Allan Savory at Circle Ranch, June 19, 2009: “i Who Grew Up in the African Bush an Ardent Wildlifer, Discovered That I Loved the Land More Than I Hated Cattle.”

Allan Savory at Circle Ranch, June 19, 2009: “i Who Grew Up in the African Bush an Ardent Wildlifer, Discovered That I Loved the Land More Than I Hated Cattle.”

Allan Savory is from Zimbabwe (former Rhodesia).  A game biologist, park ranger, guerilla fighter, parliamentarian, exile, rancher and farmer, he has for thirty-five years practiced and taught range science.  Allan developed Holistic Planned Grazing.

His innovations and insights have been strongly resisted by American range and wildlife scientific institutions but are increasingly accepted across the world.  Savory is the current recipient of the Buckminster Fuller Award, for his work in restoring desert grasslands and developing cost-effective ways to combat climate change.

I highly recommend a visit to his website:

Ranching, wildlife management, finance, oil & gas, real estate development and management.
  • Chris:Currently I note people (including scientists who should know better) blaming desertification on climate change. I also note them blaming biodiversity loss in many instances on desertification. In reality desertification is a symptom of biodiversity loss. And bare soil where once litter and plants covered it on even one square yard of land results in a micro-climate change – when the bare soil associated with desertification exists on the scale of the Western US, China, Africa, Australia, Canada, Mexico etc etc it would be impossible for macro-climate not to be changing….Allan

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