Bio-Diversity See Why the Mysterious Mountain Lion Is the ‘Bigfoot’ of Big Cats Much like the legendary Bigfoot or Yeti, the elusive mountain lion has also acquired its own mythical status.
"Invasion Biology" Securing a Future for Wolves in the West Another excellent article by the Property and Environmental Research Center (PERC) the free market conservation think tank based in Bozeman. This one is about how to address people and livelihoods while achieving the essential ecological need to return wolves across the West. NOTE: this article was originally published to PERC.
Conservation Bridger-Teton Considers Phasing Out Two Elk Feedgrounds These feed grounds are CWD “super-spreaders”, but they remain very popular. NOTE: this article was originally published to on January 20, 2022. It was written by Angus M. Thuermer Jr. The Bridger-Teton National Forest will consider phasing out the Dell Creek and Forest Park winter elk feedgrounds as
"Invasion Biology" The Sounds of Elk Most Texas elk hunters must draw permits in Colorado, Arizona, New Mexico etc., pay many thousands of dollars and travel out of state for a chance to hunt free-ranging trophy elk. Yet, elk are native and present in far-West Texas. It should be possible for Texans to hunt wild elk
Newsletter Restoring Biodiversity - 5/3/2022 Articles “Here is another excellent article by the Property and Environmental Research Center (PERC) a free market conservation think tank based in Bozeman. According to sources quoted in the article, “Bureau of Indian Affairs (BIA) has distinguished itself as the most corrupt, ineffective and abusive agency in the federal government.
"Wolves" Wolves and Moose at Pitchstone Waters It’s springtime at Pitchstone Waters Ranch, which means that we can access our game cameras in the high forests along our boundary with the national forest, and see last winter’s photos. The game camera that took these photos is located in our northeast corner, 5-miles southwest of Yellowstone
Indian Reservations Dispossessed: Indigenous Poverty, Land, and Property Rights “Here is another excellent article by the Property and Environmental Research Center (PERC) a free market conservation think tank based in Bozeman. According to critics quoted in the article, “Bureau of Indian Affairs (BIA) has distinguished itself as the most corrupt, ineffective and abusive agency in the federal government.” Whether
"Invasion Biology" Understanding ‘Wild Horse Fire Brigade’ As discussed in the compelling article published below, “Wild horses that are restored back into their evolutionary roles as keystone herbivores naturally protect forests, wildlife, watersheds and wilderness ecosystems, which benefit through symbiotic grazing by wild horses that naturally maintain wildfire fuels (grass and brush) to nominal levels, thereby reducing
Newsletter Restoring Biodiversity - 4/26/2022 Articles According to the article above, the National Park Service (NPS) has decided to exterminate wild mountain goats in the Teton-Yellowstone Parks because they (1) are non-native, (2) “compete” with bighorn and (3) might infect them with diseases. NPS claims to follow the North American Model of Wildlife Conservation (the
"Invasion Biology" The Life and Legend of America's Most Famous Wild Horse Picasso is a nearly 30-year-old pinto who still roams free in the Sand Wash Basin in northwestern Colorado.
"Invasion Biology" Grand Teton Cull Ends With 58 Mt. Goats Killed, Primarily in Park's North End According to the article below, the National Park Service (NPS) has decided to exterminate wild mountain goats in the Teton-Yellowstone Parks because they (1) are non-native, (2) “compete” with bighorn and (3) might infect them with diseases. NPS claims to follow the North American Model of Wildlife Conservation (the Model)
ranch LANDLOCKED! Here is a good discussion of “Access”. NOTE: this article was originally published to on October 31, 2021. It was written by Cheryl Summer, Associate Broker, Licensed in WY, MT. There is a well-worn phrase in the modern lexicon of the west: Legal Access. Fifth-generation ranchers know all
Animal Growth Tribute to Mule Deer A wonderful video from the Mule Deer Foundation. NOTE: this post was originally published to this site on June 11, 2018
Newsletter Restoring Biodiversity - 4/19/2022 Articles As discussed above, MIT is one of a few schools holding to admissions standards. Over the last 40 years, America’s so-called education experts have hidden their failure to educate our youth by making school easier. They have deemphasized history, math, science, language and writing. For years, tests have
Bio-Diversity Yellowstone National Park's Migrating Bison As winter snow accumulations melt, a “green wave” of fresh growth moves upwards, into Yellowstone’s higher elevations. Bison follow the green wave and they pretty much go where they wish. All this reverses with autumn snowfalls.
Education MIT Will Once Again Require Applicants to Take the SAT or ACT, Bucking Anti-Test Movement As discussed below, MIT is one of a few schools holding to admissions standards. Over the last 40 years, America’s so-called education experts have hidden their failure to educate our youth by making school easier. They have deemphasized history, math, science, language and writing. For years, tests have been
Bio-Diversity Yellowstone Starts Bison Cull as Animals Migrate to Montana As reported below, Yellowstone’s migrating bison are once again being killed because they carry brucellosis. Yellowstone’s bison would not be a threat to domestic livestock if: 1) all bison were vaccinated against brucellosis and 2) all cattle with whom they might share winter ranges were vaccinated against brucellosis.
"Invasion Biology" Restoration of Beaver in Arizona's San Pedro River Beavers are a keystone species in desert ecosystems. See how beaver restoration is healing a degraded Arizona river and its Mexican tributaries. NOTE: this post was originally published to this site on May 28, 2018
Newsletter Restoring Biodiversity - 4/12/2022 Articles As discussed above, predators change animal behavior. All predators change the behavior of prey animals. Predators can also alter the behavior of other predators. For instance, wolves change how bears behave, and the other way around. These different effects on animal behavior are probably as important to wildlife and
Bio-Diversity Secrets of Marmot Hibernation A family of marmots prepares for their upcoming hibernation in a den 6 – 20 feet underground. Fourteen species of this animal are found across the world. At Pitchstone Waters we have the Hoary Marmot. It can weigh 11-pounds and live 15-years. The animals emerge from their dens in April and
"Wolves" Grizzly Bears Make Yellowstone Wolves Behave in Unexpected Way, Study Finds As discussed below, predators change animal behavior. All predators change the behavior of prey animals. Predators can also alter the behavior of other predators. For instance, wolves change how bears behave, and the other way around. These different effects on animal behavior are probably as important to wildlife and habitat
"Invasion Biology" Elk Restoration This video on the restoration of elk in Kentucky and other Eastern states begins, “There is perhaps no higher calling for a wildlife conservation organization than restoring extirpated wildlife species back to their historic ranges.” How true, except in Texas, where our state game department with the support or acquiescence
"Invasion Biology" It Began as a Tool to Save Wild Elk. A Century Later, Feeding Threatens Iconic Herds Here is a Washington Post article on the CWD threat from elk feeding. The paper says CWD was “identified” 50-years ago. The ‘rest of the story’ is that the “identification” occurred in a Colorado state experimental station in Ft. Collins: It’s like saying that the corona virus was “identified”
Newsletter Restoring Biodiversity - 4/5/2022 Articles As reported above, the federal “war on wildlife” is alive and well. Activists condemn Wildlife Services, a division of the USDA, which says deaths necessary to protect farmers and public health Videos Each fall, mule deer are on the move, hustling to get to their winter home. Their motivation?
Bio-Diversity Migration Corridors Each fall, mule deer are on the move, hustling to get to their winter home. Their motivation? Food, and they know the way there. Twice a year deer move between summer and winter ranges following a distinct traditional pathway to ensure the best chance of survival. Ungulate migration corridors in