The Catastrophic Extinction of North American Mammoths and Mastodonts

The Catastrophic Extinction of North American Mammoths and Mastodonts

“One of the great myths of our politically-correct anthropology is that ‘Native Americans” lived in harmony with all wildlife. Early human hunters were closely involved with the Pleistocene Extinctions, just 12,000-years ago. This was the greatest mass extinction since dinosaurs disappeared 60-million years earlier.


This paper discusses the causes – and consequences to wildlife – of mammoth and mastodont extinctions in North America.


NOTE: all credits are included within the document below:


The removal of mammoths and mastodonts from the New World was an eco- catastrophe that happened swiftly and unexpectedly.


Ranching, wildlife management, finance, oil & gas, real estate development and management.
  • Keep it coming, neighbors. My geologist-father, age 95, is of keen mind and cheerful spirit, but held prisoner by physical ailments in a Denver nursing home. He has trouble feeding himself, but with some effort, he can still turn the printed page. His favorites? Books and natural history from Pitchstone Waters. Proceed!

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