The Catastrophic Extinction of North American Mammoths and Mastodonts
“One of the great myths of our politically-correct anthropology is that ‘Native Americans” lived in harmony with all wildlife. Early human hunters were closely involved with the Pleistocene Extinctions, just 12,000-years ago. This was the greatest mass extinction since dinosaurs disappeared 60-million years earlier.
This paper discusses the causes – and consequences to wildlife – of mammoth and mastodont extinctions in North America.
NOTE: all credits are included within the document below:
The removal of mammoths and mastodonts from the New World was an eco- catastrophe that happened swiftly and unexpectedly.
Keep it coming, neighbors. My geologist-father, age 95, is of keen mind and cheerful spirit, but held prisoner by physical ailments in a Denver nursing home. He has trouble feeding himself, but with some effort, he can still turn the printed page. His favorites? Books and natural history from Pitchstone Waters. Proceed!
Wow, what a compliment. Thank you so much.