Bio-Diversity US Officials: Climate Change Not a Threat to Rare Wolverine Contrary to the popular narrative, a slightly warmer climate, particularly in areas that are usually covered by snow and ice, expands the habitable area for many species. Furthermore, endangered species listings should not be regulatory one-way streets. As species recover, onerous restrictions should be relaxed. These rules are often straight
Japanese City To Scare Off Wild Bears, Japanese City Calls In Robo-Wolf “This would only make an Idaho bear mad. NOTE: this article was originally published to on November 13, 2020. It was written by Elaine Yu and Hisako Ueno. After bears kept venturing into the city in search of food, officials installed mechanical wolves with bared teeth, glowing red
"Wolves" Using Wolves as First Responders Against a Deadly Brain Disease Some scientists say that the predators are essential to curbing the spread of Chronic Wasting Disease because they pick off weak deer.
Conservation Hunters' Patron Saint Celebrated This Month “According to the article below, not only do virtually all major religions support ethical hunting, but most religions and cultures conduct special ceremonies to guide, support and protect hunters. NOTE: this article was originally published to on November 21, 2019. It was written by James A. Swan. Each
Bio-Diversity Trumpeter Swan Cygnets Released at Yellowstone to Boost Population “The trumpeter swan (Cygnus buccinator) is a species of swan found in North America. The heaviest living bird native to North America, it is also the largest existing species of waterfowl, with a wingspan of 6′ 2″ to 8′ 2”. By 1933, fewer than 70 wild trumpeters were known to
Arizona Game and Fish Commission Bison Herd To Be Culled On North Rim Of Grand Canyon National Park Limited hunting of bison is to be used to manage herd numbers in Grand Canyon National Park. Let us hope this common sense catches on elsewhere, including Yellowstone. NOTE: this article was originally published to National Parks Traveler’s Apple News Channel. An agreement allows the Arizona Game and Fish
Belching Cows Belching Cows and Endless Feedlots: Fixing Cattle’s Climate Issues The so-called climate problem of cattle burps and farts is a phenomena of feedlots. When cattle are on the range – grazing as nature intended – they reduce atmospheric carbon. NOTE: this article was originally published to on October 21, 2020. By Henry Fountain. Photographs and Video by George Steinmetz.
"Invasion Biology" Burned, Beetle-ravaged Wyoming Forest Expected to Flourish As demonstrated across the West, refusing to “manage” forests is a powerful management practice. While the practice of keeping human hands off of forest resources may be well-intentioned, it is detrimental and destructive. The “hands off” management policy has led to degraded forest conditions, which despite what we are being
Biodiversity The Elwha Dams Are Gone and Chinook Are Surging Back, But Why Are So Few Reaching the Upper River? “As reported below, King Salmon recovery on the Elwha River is going slowly. It will require that wild sea-run fish find their way back into the river, spawn, and then after several years, return to spawn again. The spawn-to-spawn time for the really big (100-pound) salmon once common in the
Bacterial Brucellosis Disease Brucellosis Outbreak in China Worsening as Disease Spreads to Farms The many sincere and well-intentioned “defenders of wildlife” who oppose treating the brucellosis that infects Yellowstone Park’s elk and bison should read the article below. The current Covid pandemic demonstrates once again that animal diseases can transfer to humans with horrible results. Known as zoonosis, disease transmission from animals
Endangered species Owl Protections Questioned as Blazes Rage What is described in the article below is how competing priorities are paralyzing common sense ways to address the forest decline that everyone wishes to halt. Declining forest health and catastrophic wildfires are symptoms of a broken forest management system. Although the actions that led to failure sincerely tried to
Biodiversity Allan Savory - Saving Western Ranching Culture “In this interview Allan Savory explains why the Western ranching culture is dying along with other cultures. NOTE: this interview was originally published to on August 10, 2020. /content/images/wordpress/2020/08/Working-Cows-Ep.-150-Allan-Savory.mp3
Bio-Diversity Fighting Wildfires With Fire Due to well-intentioned “hands off” forest management practices – often intended to help wildlife – our national forests are accumulating highly flammable understory material faster than nature can cycle it away. The well-meaning prescription set forth in the article below is controlled burns. Based on our 50-years of range and forest experience
climate change After Years of Political Gridlock, Oregon’s Fire Disaster Brings ‘New Reality’ Insistence on unproven and costly schemes like “cap and trade” continue to block immediate, inexpensive measures for wildfire prevention. NOTE: this article was originally published to on September 23, 2020. It was written by Mike Baker. Early this year, lawmakers considered legislation to thin forests, hire firefighters and
Bio-Diversity Painting Eyes On The Butts Of Cattle Surprisingly Effective At Scaring Off Would-Be Predators Here is another example of low-tech, non-lethal ways to protect cattle from predators. NOTE: this article was originally published to IFLScience’s Apple News Channel on August 7, 2020. It was written by Katy Evans. Researchers have come up with a novel way to protect the lives of livestock, lions,
California Public Land Grazing in California: Untapped Conservation Potential for Private Lands? “This article is more important today than when it was published 13-years ago. NOTE: this article was originally published to on January 7, 2007. It was written by Adriana Sulak and Lynn Huntsinger Working landscapes may be linked to public lands.
Bio-Diversity Mastodons and Mammoths in the Great Lakes Region, USA and Canada: New Insights into their Diets as they Neared Extinction “As discussed below, for millions of years and until very recently, elephant-like creatures were common in North America. NOTE: this article was originally published to It was written by Catherine Yansa. The conventional image of Ice Age environments of North America includes mammoths feeding on grasses in open
Biodiversity Documents Detail Push To Manage Yellowstone Bison as Cattle The article below summarizes various objections to managing Yellowstone bison more like cattle in order to control brucellosis, among other things. Yellowstone’s elk and bison are now a regional reservoir for this disease, which causes spontaneous abortion in cattle and wild animals and can threaten human health. Because of
Alaska Ohio Hunter Killed by Grizzly Bear in Alaska in ‘Surprise Attack’ The tragic outcome described in the article below is not surprising. If you are in bear country and come upon a kill or carcass including livestock, you are likely within 100-200 feet of a bear. Bears camp out on these carcasses until they are completely eaten—and defend their food
Berry Creek Fire-Protection Plans Hit Red Tape, Then the Flames Came Over time, our beautiful, once-productive public forests have become overgrown, money-losing firetraps. Everybody knows what needs to be done, but government regulations and ideological disputes prevent common sense remedies—many of which cost nothing. When inevitable catastrophic fires occur, those in charge neither accept responsibility nor change their practices. Instead
brown trout Fishing the Firehole in Yellowstone with Laura and Nichole Fishing the Firehole, northwest of Old Faithful in Yellowstone Park. Fishing the Firehole In Yellowstone Park from Christopher Gill on Vimeo.
Aleutian Islands When the Otters Vanished, Everything Else Started to Crumble Quoting the authors of the article below, “In the Aleutian’s delicate seascape, otters hold the entire ecosystem together. As they have disappeared, the rest of the local food web has started to crumble. NOTE: this article was originally published to on September 10, 2020. It was written
Biodiversity Climate Change Mitigation is a Side Effect of Regenerative Ranching: Insights From Australia And The United States “Whatever the causes of climate change, human damage to our environment cannot be denied. As the authors of this paper explain, more and more people are rejecting industrial agriculture in favor of regenerative (restorative) ag practices. NOTE: this paper was recently published to on August 14, 2020. It
Bio-Diversity Escaped Exotics Animals are Changing the Texas Landscape Quoting the author of the article below, “There’s an idea that gets played with in progressive futurist circles sometimes: the notion of deliberately engineering landscapes to mimic our understanding of their past shape. Quietly, without any particular plan or larger vision in mind, ranchers in Texas have done something