grasslands Facts About Leafy Spurge As discussed below, leafy spurge uses explosive seed release, and wind, to throw seeds up to 15 feet. In addition to spreading by seed, its root systems increase by several feet each year, and the roots put up shoots. Chemicals are ineffective in controlling this plant, and cattle cannot eat
Bio-Diversity A Quiet Plague Outbreak has been Killing Yellowstone’s Cougars for Years Our public lands, parks, forests, and the wild animals that live in them seem increasingly unhealthy and disease prone. However, the cougar disease discussed in the National Geographic article below is a symptom of a larger problem. About 70-years ago, Dr. William Albrecht, who has since been dubbed “The Father
fatalities Grizzly Bear Death Rates Are Climbing “The real problem described in the article below is that grizzly bears do not fear humans. Limited hunting would change that, greatly reducing bear mortality from human causes by making bears wary of people. NOTE: this article was originally published to on February 10, 2020. It was written
Bio-Diversity Shy Elk and Bold Birds Become Partners in the Wilderness “Interdependance (“mutualism”) is common in nature. Even species that are thought to be “competitive” usually turn out to be complimentary when their relationship is fully understood. NOTE: this article was originally published to on November 29, 2017. It was written by Joanna Klein. Chances are that’s a
E.U. Farm Program Radical Changes Urged for Huge E.U. Farm Program According to the article below, “The European farm subsidies program accounts for nearly 40 percent of Europe’s budget, making it one of the biggest in the world. It is riddled with corruption and self-dealing, especially in eastern and Central Europe, where leaders have diverted money to underwrite their governments
Oh Give Me a Home Where The Bison Roam The grazing methodology described in the article below keeps animals – in this case bison – bunched, limits grazing in any particular area to a few days, and allows for complete plant recovery before regrazing. NOTE: this article was originally published to on April 5, 2020. It was written
Carbon Cowboys Farmers Dubbed The 'Carbon Cowboys' Say Business is Booming During Coronavirus Small scale meat processors boom during Covid-19 shutdown. NOTE: this article was originally published to It was written by Hollie McKay. While much of the farming industry has been decimated by the global coronavirus pandemic – forced to wastefully slaughter livestock, abort piglets, crush food and pummel perfectly healthy
Wolverine on Camera A wolverine or two repeatedly visited trail cameras set on the west slope of the Tetons this winter. Courtesy Photo/BrushBuck Wildlife Tours. NOTE: this article was originally published to on May 4, 2020. It was written by Julia Tellman. Adam Lackner, the co-founder of local guiding outfit
Property Rights Are Crucial to Protecting Our Environment “As discussed below, property rights are as important to protecting the environment as they are as guarantors of individual liberty. NOTE: this article was originally published to on May 15, 2020. It was written by Nick Lindquist. While they’ve long been recognized as a guarantor of individual
invasive species These Large Carnivorous Lizards Are Right Where They Belong “As discussed below, many species considered “invasive” are “natives” – not “exotics”. NOTE: this article was originally published to on May 15, 2020. It was written by Marion Renault. Monitor lizards, believed to be invasive species on some Pacific islands, got there long before humans, a new study says.
Bio-Diversity The Red Desert To Hoback Mule Deer Video Recently, the longest mule deer migration ever recorded was discovered where thousands of deer migrate 150 miles from winter ranges in the Red Desert to summer ranges in the mountains of northwest Wyoming. This 300-mile roundtrip journey leads mule deer through a variety of habitat types and anthropogenic obstacles, including
Climate Crisis Climate Crisis: Releasing Bison, Reindeer and Horses Into The Arctic Would Slow Warming, Say Scientists As climate warms, animals can help the tundra, as reported below. NOTE: this article was originally published to on April 26, 2020. It was written by Jane DaltonJane Dalton. ‘This type of natural manipulation in ecosystems … has barely been researched to date, but holds tremendous
coronavirus With South Africa in Lockdown, The Lions Are Taking It Very Easy It’s an ill wind that blows nobody any good. NOTE: this article was originally published to on April 17, 2020. It was written by Jack Guy. New photos from South Africa’s Kruger National Park show a pride of lions lounging in a normally busy road. Whether
Bio-Diversity Huge Feral Hogs Invading Canada, Building ‘Pigloos’ As They Go Cold weather is kinder to larger animals, because of “thermal efficiency”. This is why the largest bear, whales, deer and even quail are found in the northern extremes of their ranges. Pigs are no exception, as discussed below. And because they are intelligent, they build themselves shelters, and even use
Adolescent Grizzly at Pitchstone Waters “In early May of 2020, our neighbor’s game camera photographed this young grizzly crossing onto our property, on the south side of Fall River.
Bison First Bison Calf The gestation period for the American bison is 9 1/2 months. Under normal conditions, cows have their calves from mid-April through June. Cows generally have one calf per year, but twins may occur very rarely.Calves are born big. American bison calves weigh a massive 30 to 70 lbs.
Elk Migration Stunning Video Shows Herd of Elk Running up a Hill Near Denver “Colorado Parks and Wildlife has shared a stunning video of a herd of elk running across a landscape near Denver. NOTE: this article was originally published to on December 27, 2019. It was written by Kashmira Gander. ‘It is quite the sight to see’ The video shot on
"Invasion Biology" Scientists Disagree on Bison Impacts to Yellowstone’s Northern Range “According to Yellowstone’s senior bison biologist who is quoted below, Yellowstone is the only place in North America with a complete set of predators and herbivores – both of which shape their habitat in ways conventional “managers” neither understand nor like. NOTE: this article was originally published to
"Invasion Biology" Take ‘Charisma’ Into Account When Managing Invasive Species, Scientists Say As Groucho Marx asked all those years ago, “Who are you going to believe: Me, or your lying eyes?” According to the doubtful premise underlying invasive species biology, any new creature entering a system is, by definition, harmful to it. This paper, written by invasion “biologists” warns against being “fooled”
Conservation 400 Miles to Cross: The Interstate 80 Wildlife Barrier THIS IS WHY SOME DEER MIGRATE 150 MILES — BUT NO FURTHER. THE SOLUTION WILL MAKE YOU HOPEFUL. This new film shows how Interstate 80 in Wyoming is an almost impenetrable obstacle to movement of pronghorn, elk, and deer, including animals in the herd of world-record migrator Deer 255. The highway
"Wolves" Mexican Gray Wolf Numbers in the US Soared in 2019 Cattlemen have a big problem with these little wolves. On closer inspection, it turns out there are ways to ranch alongside these animals. These alternative strategies benefit wildlife and habitat in important ways while improving range for cattle grazing. NOTE: this article was originally published to on March
"Invasion Biology" Could an Invasive Snail Save Your Morning Coffee? More often than not, “invasive” plants and animals are responding to human damage to ecosystems. So-called exotics are usually viewed as competitive to the systems where they have arrived, but on closer study, most turn out to be complimentary. Think of them as nature trying to rebalance herself. NOTE: this
bigfoot Book Review: ‘I Know What I Saw’ Seriously weird wildlife. NOTE: this article was originally published to on August 2, 2019. It was written by Tom Shippey. A collection of firsthand sightings of mythical and mysterious creatures in the U.S., from the Oglala Deer Woman to the Texas Lobo Girl. Farmers on the Mediterranean
Bighorn Ceremonial Bighorn Sheep Headdresses and Masks in Native American Culture Recent studies of native rock art in the Jornada del Muerto region of southern New Mexico show the ceremonial importance of Desert Bighorn Sheep in the ancient cultures of this area. NOTE: This article was written by Margaret Berrier
beef ‘Plant-Based Meat’ May Be Problematic After All “Is fake meat safe? NOTE: this article was originally published to YourAmericaNews on July 22, 2019. There’s a substantial push in America to have “plant-based meat” replace the real McCoy. So far, sales have outpaced demand, but some journalists have exposed possible health concerns with the genetically modified food.