Conservation Nevada Board Rejects Proposal to Ban Coyote Killing Contests The article below illustrates (1) the lack of understanding of the need for predators in our natural systems, and (2) why ethical hunting must always be an essential part of our outdoor pursuits. NOTE: this article was originally published to on on November 6, 2021. RENO, Nev. (AP)
Newsletter Restoring Biodiversity - 12/21/2021 Articles The authors observe that as climate changes, plants and animals move around. They say this is good, and natural. A discussion of wildlife-friendly fence regulations in Teton County Wyoming. Videos This GameKeeper Scope Film dives deep into the details of a 13 year long study by Texas Parks and
"Invasion Biology" Adjusting the Lens of Invasion Biology to Focus on the Impacts of Climate-driven Range Shifts The authors observe that as climate changes, plants and animals move around. They say this is good, and natural. NOTE: this paper was originally published to on on November 14, 2021. It was written by Piper D. Wallingford, Toni Lyn Morelli, Jenica M. Allen, Evelyn M. Beaury, Dana
fencing Updated Wildlife Fencing Regs Balance Wishes of Livestock Owners, Wildlife Advocates A discussion of wildlife-friendly fence regulations in Teton County Wyoming. NOTE: this article was originally published to on on November 14, 2021. It was written by Billy Arnold. Commission gave livestock owners and wildlife advocates some of what each wanted — but not everything. Commissioners have green-lighted an update
Newsletter Restoring Biodiversity - 12/14/2021 Articles By embracing sustainable practices, cattle ranchers can play a part in addressing climate change. Planned grazing’s benefits to people, habitat and wildlife are the subject of the article above. Here is a thoughtful article that challenges the “science” behind invasive species “biology”. Videos This video discusses the annual
Conservation Migrating Elk at Pitchstone Waters Ranch This video discusses the annual elk migration across Pitchstone Waters Ranch, on the upper Fall River, 5-miles southwest of Yellowstone Park, in Fremont County Idaho.
Bio-Diversity How Cattle Ranchers Can Combat Climate Change “Planned grazing’s benefits to people, habitat and wildlife are the subject of the article below. NOTE: this commentary was originally published to on December 1, 2021. It was written by Meredith Ellis and Suzanne Scott. Texas relies on the multibillion-dollar cattle industry for economic success and the
"Invasion Biology" It’s Time to Stop Demonizing “Invasive” Species “Here is a thoughtful article that challenges the “science” behind invasive species “biology”. NOTE: this article was originally published to on on November 28, 2021. It was written by Marina Bolotnikova. Climate change is forcing some animals to move. Don’t call them “invasives.” Marine ecologist Piper Wallingford
Newsletter Restoring Biodiversity - 12/7/2021 Articles Finally, it's Fat Bear Week -- a most welcome week of healthy competition among brown bears. The depressing thing about EPA’s infrequent poison bans is that the agro-chemical giants soon have a replacement by something even worse, whereupon the decades-long process of health and environmental damage,
chlorpyrifos EPA to Ban Pesticide Chlorpyrifos from Use on Food Crops The depressing thing about EPA’s infrequent poison bans is that the agro-chemical giants soon have a replacement with something even worse, whereupon the decades-long process of health and environmental damage, evaluation, decision and appeal starts all over. NOTE: this article was originally published to Bloomberg Law’s Apple News
Bear Fat Bear Week: It's Time to Weigh in on Katmai National Park's Biggest Bear As described below, the amount of food – in the form of migrating salmon – available to Alaska’s coastal grizzlies is amazing, as is the size many reach after a season spent gorging on live and scavenged fish. NOTE: this article was originally published to on September 29, 2021.
Newsletter Restoring Biodiversity - 11/30/3021 Articles The more chemicals and pesticides we use, and the more we destock public ranges across the West, the more our treasured game birds decline. The ubiquitous use of chemicals and poisons, combined with the removal of animal impact, is devastating wildlife. Videos With over 50 (million) years of experience,
Bio-Diversity Hailing From the Primordial Realm, Meet Mother Nature: Goddess of Earth’s Ecosystems Don’t miss this hilarious little video from Whole Foods. As they put it, “With over 50 (million) years of experience, Mother Nature’s job is to maintain the harmony that keeps the planet spinning. Things like keeping the air clean, the ground fertile, the ecology diverse, and the inhabitants
birds Wyoming Sage Grouse Counts Fall Again, Marking a 5-year Trend The more chemicals and pesticides we use, and the more we destock public ranges across the West, the more our treasured game birds decline. As usual, the “experts” blame climate change. NOTE: this article was originally published to on September 13, 2021. It was written by Angus M.
Avian Predator Declines Birds of Prey Face Global Decline From Habitat Loss, Poisons The ubiquitous use of chemicals and poisons, combined with the removal of animal impact, is devastating wildlife. NOTE: this article was originally published to on August 30, 2021. It was written by Christina Larson. WASHINGTON (AP) — Despite a few high-profile conservation success stories – like the dramatic comeback of
Newsletter Restoring Biodiversity - 11/22/2021 Articles Cattle and other ungulates are perfect for wildfire grazing in areas outside 'critical wilderness' where native species flora are vulnerable to serious loss by grazing cattle, sheep and goats. Presented above are some very interesting ideas on regenerative agriculture. Industrial agriculture is the leading water pollutant on
"Invasion Biology" Not Quite Right - Not All Herbivores Are The Same More thoughts on how – and why – wild horses can improve habitat and reduce wildfire. NOTE: this content below is written by, and published here with permission from, Capt. William E. Simpson II – USMM Ret. Naturalist – Author – Conservationist A herd of wild horses in the Soda Mountain Wilderness have been using
Conservation Turning the Tide of Our Water Crises with Regenerative Agriculture Presented below are some very interesting ideas on regenerative agriculture. NOTE: this article was originally published to the Weekly Regeneration Works newsletter on October 15, 2021. It was written by Keith Silverman. Science: Industrial agriculture is the leading water pollutant on the planet. The world is facing a water crisis
Newsletter Restoring Biodiversity - 11/16/2021 Articles According to the “experts” quoted above, backcountry skiers threaten bighorn sheep numbers. This is contrary to our hands-on, 20-year experience with the desert bighorn sheep in far-West Texas. If humans don’t harass them, bighorn ignore people. As reported on this blog, a miner in the Sierra Nevadas actually
bow hunting Bill Negley: Bwana Bowman Bill Negley of San Antonio, Texas, remains the only sportsman ever to successfully hunt all of Africa’s “Big Five” (elephant, lion, cape buffalo, rhino and leopard) with a conventional bow (102-pound recurve) and no rifle backup. This film documents his first elephant taken in this way. He killed his
cowboy cauldrons The Cowboy Cauldron Firepit If you live in wildfire country and want a very safe way to enjoy outdoor fires, consider a Cowboy Cauldron. They aren’t cheap but they really work. NOTE: this article was originally sent as an email by Cowboy Cauldron on on October 21, 2021. IT’S FINALLY FALL! Photo
"Invasion Biology" Grand Teton National Park Hopes Collaboration, Not Closures, Will Protect Bighorn Sheep According to the “experts” quoted below, backcountry skiers threaten bighorn sheep numbers. This is contrary to our hands-on, 20-year experience with the desert bighorn sheep in far-West Texas. If humans don’t harass them, bighorn ignore people. As reported on this blog, a miner in the Sierra Nevadas actually taught
Newsletter Restoring Biodiversity - 11/9/2021 Articles As discussed above, grazing of domestic animals – cattle, sheep and goats – is an effective way to prevent wildfire and improve habitat. Another species that has great potential for wildfire control is the wild horse. As discussed above, restoring predators in the Australian outback has had very positive effects on
Bio-Diversity Connecting Ranchers with Land Stewards Could Be Key to Less Disastrous Wildfires As discussed below, grazing of domestic animals – cattle, sheep and goats – is an effective way to prevent wildfire and improve habitat. Another species that has great potential for wildfire control is the wild horse. NOTE: this article was originally published to on July 8, 2021. It was written
Bio-Diversity 'Silver Bullet' for Business: The Aussie Farmers Bringing Dingoes Back As discussed below, restoring predators in the Australian outback has had very positive effects on habitat and animals. NOTE: this article was originally published to on July 26, 2021. It was written by Emma Young. Cattle farmers from Western Australia, Queensland and New South Wales are reaping