food safety Shane Mahoney Speech on the Wild Harvest Initiative Shane Mahoney is widely recognized as a wildlife biologist, conservationist, and thought leader.
Videos Out Here in the Middle - Summer at Circle Ranch in far-West Texas “Out Here in The Middle” is about summer at the Circle Ranch in the high-desert mountains of far-West Texas. Wildlife, great scenery, ranching, cattle and family. “Out Here in The Middle” is performed by James McMurtry. NOTE: This was originally posted to this site in the summer of 2015. And
Bio-Diversity Yellowstone Park to Reconsider Controversial Bison Plan A new analysis of bison management could result in an expansion of where the animals are permitted to roam freely.
Hunting Mule Deer Hunting in the Sierra Diablos Circle Ranch Texas, Desert Mule Deer, Desert Bighorn NOTE: this post was originally published to this site on January 30, 2017.
beaver restoration Beaver Reintroduction in the Washington Cascades For the past 3 years, Cascade Forest Conservancy has been engaged in a large-scale beaver reintroduction project in Washington's South Cascades.
Mountain Lion Colorado Man Wakes Up to Discover a Mountain Lion Eating an Elk on His Front Porch A mountain lion takes down an elk in a Glenwood Canyon backyard, much to the homeowner’s surprise
Bio-Diversity Wyoming Elk Migration The Jackson Elk Herd, at approximately 11,000 animals, is one of the largest in the Greater Yellowstone Ecosystem and the largest in the state of Wyoming.
Conservation Inspiration Texas Style Wyman Meinzer tells the stories behind select images from his book Inspiration Texas Style
Bighorn The Battle of Bighorns The battles involve rams charging at each other and colliding their massive horns. These clashes can reach speeds of up to 40 miles per hour, generating forces that are significantly greater than what would cause injury to a human skull.
Bio-Diversity Desert Bighorn Sheep and Chukar in Nevada A wonderful Desert Bighorn Sheep video from Nevada’s Department of Wildlife. The gamebirds are Chukar (Alectoris chukar), a much-treasured partridge originally native to the foothills of the Himalayas. American stock originated in Afghanistan and Nepal. Chukar have naturalized across much of the West in areas where their native food
Bio-Diversity ORVIS Moment of Chill: Playing in the Yard Young fox kits play around their den, just off the walkway near Orvis headquarters in Sunderland, Vermont. NOTE: this post was originally published to this site in February, 2022.
Wild Horse Fire Brigade Award for Volunteer Team’s Wild Horse Music Video A music video created by a collective of wild horse advocates won its category at the Equus Film and Arts Festival.
"Invasion Biology" Restoring Sonoran Desert Grasslands with Cattle The Cuenca Los Ojos Foundation works to preserve and restore the biodiversity of the US/Mexican borderlands through land protection, habitat restoration and wildlife reintroduction.
Yeomans Keyline Keyline 101: Desert Grassland Restoration This video was filmed in the Sierra Diablo Mountains, Hudspeth County, far-West Texas, for presentation at the Quivira Coalition Conference in Albuquerque, November 11, 2015.
Bears Cougar vs. Bear A bobcat would not typically engage with a bear unless absolutely necessary for survival or defense of its young. But it happens….
"Invasion Biology" Wildlife in the High-Desert Mountains of Far-West Texas Desert Mountain Wildlife #3 – part of a series on wildlife pictures
"Invasion Biology" Grazing to Promote Riparian Health on a Private Ranch in Nevada This video features Agee Smith, Co-Owner, Cottonwood Ranch, Wells, Nevada
Lake Powell Lake Powell Water Levels Lead to 'Ecological Rebirth' This environmental crisis is revealing an unexpected ecological benefit—the return of native plant communities in areas exposed by the shrinking reservoir.
deer migration The Amazing Deer 255 is Still Migrating In 2016, researchers in Wyoming discovered the world's longest migration of mule deer. A doe fitted with a GPS tracking collar migrated 242 miles one way.
Regenerative Ranching During the Drought Michael Thompson, a young farmer in Kansas, is regenerating his soils with no-till, cover-crops practices coupled with Adaptive Multi-Paddock (AMP) grazing - giving his farm resilience during the severe 2011 and 2012 droughts.
Goats Alpine Ibexes Captured Resting on Chimneys of French Cottages Amidst a Breathtaking Background Captured relaxing atop the roofs of French cottages on chimneys with Mont Blanc as the backdrop, these wild goats must surely enjoy the best views in town.
"Invasion Biology" Are Goats and Sheep Compatible? These ranchers move their sheep and goats to a new paddock surrounded by electric net fence. There are many things to consider. Sheep like to go under net fences while goats jump over.
"Invasion Biology" Desert Bighorn, Mule Deer and Cougar in High Desert Mountains of Far-West Texas The series contains many wildlife photos, and, discusses holistic wildlife management practices.
"Wolves" Are Drones an Answer to Wolf Attacks on Livestock? Hazing wolves with drones. NOTE: this article was originally published to on May 14, 2024. It was written by Ellie Gage. Over just 20 days in the summer of 2022, there were 11 confirmed depredations by the resident Rogue Pack wolves in Southern Oregon’s Klamath Basin.
Antler Genetics Does Culling Wild Deer Populations Result in Improved Antler Genetics? See the only known high speed footage of aerial deer captures and understand the methodology and results of this first of its kind study.