Herd Impact

Husband and wife ranchers Emry Birdwell and Deborah Clark have been going against the grain of North Texas ranching for decades – hiding their ability to raise many, many more cattle per acre than any of their neighbors. They are a fiery couple, prone to snips as they get their field work done – they are in their 60s, and run the 14,000 acre place on their own, sometimes with one extra hand.

Filmed in Henrietta, Texas


Ranching, wildlife management, finance, oil & gas, real estate development and management.
  • Informative, proof of concept film. Thank you! I am curious about wild horses and how they could be put on rotational grazing as such on our public lands – or is that a fallacy? Instead of spending so much money rounding up and haphazardly placing in “new” homes, why not put that time and money into building back the ecology? I realize I sound a wee bit green infrastructure 101 – but that’s where I am at this point. I am also a horse owner with an off-track rescue here on the east coast. We have our own problems too. !! I appreciate your fire abatement idea for the wild horses – has the BLM responded? I will leave a comment on that video as well. Thanks again for all that you do. So necessary!

    • What an excellent question.

      Horses are one of the best species for this purpose, and they would work especially well on public lands that are not easily accessed by cattle. Horses evolved on this continent. They have been here in some form for 60 million years. In comparison, bison, sheep, goats, bear, and all the deer species came over the land bridge very recently. Horses are the true American native – unlike every other large animal except pronghorn – which also evolved on the American continent.

      The reason that horses do so incredibly well on the American continent is not because they are sneaky “invasive species”, but because they are America’s native child returned to its ancient home.

      The hostility which the agencies and academics bear wild horses shows, in my opinion, their profound ignorance of the natural history of our continent and its animals.

      Thanks for asking.

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