"Invasion Biology" Grand Teton National Park Hopes Collaboration, Not Closures, Will Protect Bighorn Sheep According to the “experts” quoted below, backcountry skiers threaten bighorn sheep numbers. This is contrary to our hands-on, 20-year experience with the desert bighorn sheep in far-West Texas. If humans don’t harass them, bighorn ignore people. As reported on this blog, a miner in the Sierra Nevadas actually taught
Newsletter Restoring Biodiversity - 11/9/2021 Articles As discussed above, grazing of domestic animals – cattle, sheep and goats – is an effective way to prevent wildfire and improve habitat. Another species that has great potential for wildfire control is the wild horse. As discussed above, restoring predators in the Australian outback has had very positive effects on
Bio-Diversity Connecting Ranchers with Land Stewards Could Be Key to Less Disastrous Wildfires As discussed below, grazing of domestic animals – cattle, sheep and goats – is an effective way to prevent wildfire and improve habitat. Another species that has great potential for wildfire control is the wild horse. NOTE: this article was originally published to CivilEats.com on July 8, 2021. It was written
Bio-Diversity 'Silver Bullet' for Business: The Aussie Farmers Bringing Dingoes Back As discussed below, restoring predators in the Australian outback has had very positive effects on habitat and animals. NOTE: this article was originally published to WAToday.com.au on July 26, 2021. It was written by Emma Young. Cattle farmers from Western Australia, Queensland and New South Wales are reaping
Newsletter Restoring Biodiversity - 11/02/2021 Articles Appearing above is an excellent article on goats and wildfire control. Goats have worked very well for us at Pitchstone Waters in Idaho, as discussed extensively in this blog. As discussed below, Mexico does not want Monsanto/Bayer’s Roundup-laced food. Any discussion of GMO safety is in truth
Biodiversity The Unconventional Weapon Against Future Wildfires: Goats Appearing below is an excellent article on goats and wildfire control. Goats have worked very well for us at Pitchstone Waters in Idaho, as discussed extensively in this blog. NOTE: this article was originally published to NYTimes.com on September 18, 2021. It was written by Coral Murphy Marcos. In
Bayer Bayer Blasts 'Unscientific' Rejection by Mexican Regulator of GMO Corn Permit As discussed below, Mexico does not want Monsanto/Bayer’s Roundup-laced food. Any discussion of GMO safety is in truth a discussion of Roundup (glyphosate). GMO corn is modified to tolerate the poison, which is linked to many human diseases. It remains to be seen if Mexico can withstand the
Newsletter Restoring Biodiversity - 10/26/2021 Articles This article discusses one of several reasons that sea otters are essential to the health of the Pacific Coast’s marine systems. The seagrasses otters maintain also support the salmon and steelhead fisheries. Whether on land or sea, predators are necessary to the health of habitats and everything in
Conservation How Sea Otters Help Protect Underwater Meadows This article discusses one of several reasons that sea otters are essential to the health of the Pacific Coast’s marine systems. The seagrasses otters maintain also support the salmon, steelhead and commercial fisheries. Whether on land or sea, predators are necessary to the health of habitats and everything in
Newsletter Restoring Biodiversity - 10/19/2021 Articles Unlike Colorado, Montana and Wyoming, Idaho real estate did not recover from the 2008 financial collapse until the covid lockdowns of 2020. That recovery is now occurring – with a vengeance. Videos At Pitchstone Waters Ranch 5-miles southwest of Yellowstone Park on the Fall River, we built a small ‘turkey
Fighting Wildfires Forest Thinning Helps Curb Wildfires According to the experts quoted below, lack of selective logging and prescribed burning are primary reasons for the increasing severity of wildfires, and declining forest health. NOTE: this article was originally published to NYTimes.com on September 13, 2021. It was written by Karen Weintraub. Lake Tahoe, Sequoias survived wildfires
idaho The Beauty of Buying a Ski Home in Idaho? Nobody Knows a Thing About It “Unlike Colorado, Montana and Wyoming, Idaho real estate did not recover from the 2008 financial collapse until the covid lockdowns of 2020. That recovery is now occurring – with a vengeance. NOTE: this article was originally published to NYTimes.com on September 13, 2021. It was written by Karen Weintraub. Not
Newsletter Restoring Biodiversity - 10/12/2021 Articles Three seemingly unsolvable problems facing forest, range and wildlife managers are (1) increasing numbers and severity of wildfires, (2) the relentless spread of CWD, and (3) what to do about wild horses. What if a significant partial solution to all three is found in the so-called problem itself? Fires
Chronic Wasting Disease Support for Mitigating Catastrophic Wildfire Damage and Environmental CWD Contamination Using Wild Horse Grazing “Three seemingly unsolvable problems facing forest, range and wildlife managers are (1) increasing numbers and severity of wildfires, (2) the relentless spread of CWD, and (3) what to do about wild horses. What if a significant partial solution to all three is found in the so-called problem itself?
California wildfires Masters of Desert Survival, Can Saguaros Survive Wildfires? According to the article below, saguaros are being harmed by buffelgrass wildfires. “The biggest threat for saguaros in climate change isn’t the heat or the drought. It’s fire that sweeps in and burns extremely hot.” As with forest fires, it is not weather but fine fuel accumulation that
Newsletter Restoring Biodiversity - 10/5/2021 Articles In grizzly country, it is a safe bet that if you find a carcass there will be a bear close by. According to the scientists quoted above, new fossil discoveries are “… pushing back (the estimated earliest dates of) human occupation of the Americas to before the Ice Age. People
Grizzly Bear Grizzly Bear in Fatal Montana Attack Was Guarding Food Cache “In grizzly country, it is a safe bet that if you find a carcass there will be a bear close by. NOTE: this article was originally published to APNews.com on August 10, 2021. It was written by Amy Beth Hanson. HELENA, Mont. (AP) — A grizzly bear that fatally mauled
Ancient Footprints Discovery Sets New Date for Earliest Trek in Americas “According to the scientists quoted below, new fossil discoveries are “… pushing back (the estimated earliest dates of) human occupation of the Americas to before the Ice Age. People are having to revise their ideas of the first peopling of the Americas.” Below there are links to reports posted on this
Chronic Wasting Disease Chronic Wasting Disease May Soon Spread to Humans, Warns CDC According to experts quoted in the article below, “It is probable that human cases of chronic wasting disease associated with consumption with contaminated meat will be documented in the years ahead,” going on to add, “It’s possible the number of human cases will be substantial and will not be
Newsletter Restoring Biodiversity - 9/28/2021 Articles As explained in the article above, climate change lowers weather-related deaths. This is because warming annually causes about 120,000 heat deaths but prevents nearly 300,000 cold deaths. The Pando Aspen Grove near Fish Lake in south central Utah has been existing, and minding its own business, since
flooding Climate Change Doesn’t Cause All Disasters “As explained in the article below, climate change lowers weather-related deaths. This is because warming annually causes about 120,000 heat deaths but prevents nearly 300,000 cold deaths. NOTE: this article was originally published to WSJ.com on July 13, 2021. It was written by Bjorn Lomborg. Everybody talks
Biodiversity It’s the Largest Living Organism on Earth, and It’s Hiding in Plain Sight in Utah “The largest – and possibly oldest – living organism. NOTE: this article was originally published to the Deseret News’ Apple News channel on August 15, 2021. It was written by Lee Benson. The Pando Aspen Grove near Fish Lake in south central Utah has been existing, and minding its own business, since
Newsletter Restoring Biodiversity - 9/21/2021 Articles Quoting the very interesting article above, “The future of oysters in Texas looks pretty bright. From thriving oyster restoration to new oyster mariculture opportunities, it will be exciting to see how things continue to evolve for our coastal oyster reefs, both wild and farmed.” Quoting the author above, ” Fire
Bio-Diversity Bright Future For Texas Oysters Quoting the very interesting article below, “The future of oysters in Texas looks pretty bright. From thriving oyster restoration to new oyster mariculture opportunities, it will be exciting to see how things continue to evolve for our coastal oyster reefs, both wild and farmed.” NOTE: this article was originally published
Beaver Life on a Beaver Dam Produced by Dave Ruane, who says: “Beaver dams are amazing. They create a diverse and changing habitat for lots of wildlife and a convenient “bridge” too! On this dam I had over 100-clips of raccoons using the dam as a travel corridor!” Life on a Beaver Dam from Dave Ruane