Elk Removals Chris Gill to TPWD Executive Director Carter Smith on Elk Eradications In December 2009 I learned that TPWD had been killing all elk at their Wildlife Management Areas.
Boyd elder Valentine Artist Boyd Elder Sets a Contour All patterns are plowed on contours which are reset every 200 feet. The device shown here is an optical transit.
habitat restoration Plow Design. Timing of Treatments. Possible Seed. This exchange should be read from the bottom up. It deals with various aspects of designing and using the Yeomans plow.
Desert Bighorn Restoration Desert Bighorn Sheep in Texas and at Circle Ranch This article on Desert Bighorn Sheep was recently featured in Texas Wildlife, the monthly publication of Texas Wildlife Association
Carter Smith Department Personnel to Contact Regarding Elk Removals Have something you want to say? See below on who to contact regarding elk removals in West Texas.
Mule Deer Misty Sumner on Predator Management For Mule Deer Here I am with Misty Sumner, our TPWD field biologist. She gave us these thoughts on predator management.
elk in west texas Survey of Far-West Texas Landowners & Managers Regarding Elk Attitudes towards elk in far-West Texas are very positive, contrary to what elk-removal advocates say.
Contact Soil Resources A group of leading soil, rangeland, bug and social scientists are setting out to fill the science gap.
Richard Gill on Predator Control Richard Gill on Predator Control Our youngest son Richard is in the real estate business in San Antonio. He is a Circle owner.
Carter Smith Request for Information I was in Austin to meet Carter Smith. Following that meeting, I sent this letter.
Agrilife Extension Service (Texas A&M System) QuailMasters Graduation Photo: King Ranch October 27, 2009 QuailMasters is a joint presentation of Texas Wildlife Association and Agrilife Extension Service (Texas A&M System).
Bighorn Chris Gill on Predator Removals Dear Family and Friends, as Savory says, we almost always achieve our short-term goals but often at terrible unintended long-term cost.
Mule Deer Steve Nelle on Predator Removals Steve Nelle is a wildlife biologist with the NRCS. He is one of the most respected range and wildlife scientists in West Texas.
Chris Gill's Response to the Mule Deer Working Group Chris Gill to Authors And Sponsors of Habitat Guidelines for Mule Deer In September 2009, I was in Department headquarters in Austin, when I ran into one of the Authors of Habitat Guidelines for Mule Deer.
Desert Mule Deer Authors of Habitat Guidelines for Mule Deer Below is a list of collaborators on policy and research document regarding Habitat Guidelines for Mule Deer
Chris Gill and Ken Yeomans Keyline Treatment of Headcuts A central concept of Keyline-pattern subsoiling is plowing downwards in valley-forms and upwards on ridge-forms.
doing what works Doing What Works: Range Magazine Here is the summary of two years of correspondence with the Mule Deer Working Group, my futile attempt to get them to change the sloppy-science-based range advice which so harms desert habitats and wildlife.
circle ranch Don Frantzen on Predator Removals Don Frantzen is a highly-experienced manager of deer herds. We have been friends for twenty-five years.
Grazing Habitat Guidelines for Mule Deer This document was amended in 2009. It is dated 2006, but contains, for example, references to the Briske, et al. paper published in 2008.
Elk Removals Aoudad at Two Section, August 2009. This is an Aoudad, or Barbary Sheep. 900 of these animals have been shot at Big Bend Park, from helicopters, by members of Texas Parks and Wildlife
Predator Removals Cougar at Two Section, July 2009 The policy to treat these as vermin is a huge mistake.
Predator Removals Eagle at Two Section, July, 2009 This immature Golden Eagle was flying along the east escarpment.
habitat restoration Keyline Concepts for Subsoiling Always plow valleys downwards and ridges upwards. This is the heart of Keyline subsoiling and the major unrecognized aspect of contouring which can actually cause erosion to increase.