Elk Removals Seasonal Water Hole (Tinaja) Tinajas are basins in watercourses that fill with water during seasonal rainstorms. Some are very large.
Predator Removals Golden Eagle These amazing birds would be shot by many landowners in our area, were they not protected.
Quail Quail and Wildlife Waterer Circle has over 100 of these small-animal waterers. They are made by Surber Tank Company, Odessa, Texas.
Photos Desert Big Horn Sheep Circle Ranch has growing numbers of these native animals in combination with elk, pronghorn, mule deer and on occasion 1000 cattle which we use as a substitute for bison.
Grazing The Circle Ranch Herd Moving to New Pasture The WMA’s and the Big Bend National Park, are under total rest and drastic removal regimes intended to ‘protect’ the land and plants from overuse by animals, and the animals from ‘competition’.
Bighorn Desert Bighorn Sheep Circle Ranch has growing numbers of these native animals in combination with elk, pronghorn, mule deer and on occasion 1000 cattle which we use as a substitute for bison.
Elk Removals Circle Ranch is a 'Sky Island' The Sierra Diablo range rises one-half mile above the Chihuahuan Desert floor in Hudspeth County Texas, 40 miles below the New Mexico line.
Elk Removals Big Bend Sentinel - "Landowner Locks Horns" Article This family of immature elk bulls, cows and calves will, or may already have been, shot-on-sight on any TPWD property in far-West Texas
Elk Removals Black Gap WMA Management Plan The primary objective of this Wildlife Management Area, stated at page 24 in the document below, is to restore indigenous species.
Elk Removals Texas Wildlife Association to Big Bend National Park Managers Opposing Proposed Elk Removals Texas Wildlife Association (TWA), a property, wildlife, and hunting rights advocacy group which represents 35 million acres across Texas, expressed its objections to proposed elk trapping-removals at The Big Bend National Park.
Elk Removals TPWD Executive Director's Response I found the Executive Director to be very likable. This letter is gracious. Needless to say I was very disappointed that the Department continues to say that it will go on with its plan to shoot as many elk as possible.
Elk Removals Chris Gill to TPWD Executive Director on Elk Eradications Carter Smith was considering my December letter when a mutual friend arranged for us to have lunch. I wrote Carter afterwards and asked him to personally read the literature concerning whether elk are natives.