Wild Horse Fire Brigade Northern California Wild Horse Non-Profit Owner Looks to Make Federal Change Through BLM “Once you understand the benefits they give to the landscape when they’re in the right place, you have an ‘aha moment’ and see these horses can provide $500 million in value to American taxpayers.”
Gray Wolf Dangerous Predator Once Thought Extinct Spotted at National Park Park authorities confirmed the presence of the rare species.
"Invasion Biology" Grazing to Promote Riparian Health on a Private Ranch in Nevada This video features Agee Smith, Co-Owner, Cottonwood Ranch, Wells, Nevada
Newsletter Restoring Biodiversity - 12/10/2024 Lake Powell water levels lead to 'ecological rebirth. What ancient invasive species can tell us about modern ones. The amazing Deer 255 is still migrating. And more...
Lake Powell Lake Powell Water Levels Lead to 'Ecological Rebirth' This environmental crisis is revealing an unexpected ecological benefit—the return of native plant communities in areas exposed by the shrinking reservoir.
deer migration The Amazing Deer 255 is Still Migrating In 2016, researchers in Wyoming discovered the world's longest migration of mule deer. A doe fitted with a GPS tracking collar migrated 242 miles one way.
What Ancient Invasive Species Can Tell Us About Modern Ones w/Dr. Alycia Species invasions are pervasive in Earth history, yet the ecological and evolutionary consequences vary greatly. Ancient invasion events can be organized in a hierarchy of increasing invasion intensity from ephemeral invasions to globally pervasive invasive regimes.
Regenerative Ranching During the Drought Michael Thompson, a young farmer in Kansas, is regenerating his soils with no-till, cover-crops practices coupled with Adaptive Multi-Paddock (AMP) grazing - giving his farm resilience during the severe 2011 and 2012 droughts.
Newsletter Restoring Biodiversity - 12/3/2024 Alpine Ibexes captured resting on chimneys of french cottages. Goats and sheep helping each other and the pastures they graze. A new bee in Texas? And more...
Goats Alpine Ibexes Captured Resting on Chimneys of French Cottages Amidst a Breathtaking Background Captured relaxing atop the roofs of French cottages on chimneys with Mont Blanc as the backdrop, these wild goats must surely enjoy the best views in town.
"Invasion Biology" Are Goats and Sheep Compatible? These ranchers move their sheep and goats to a new paddock surrounded by electric net fence. There are many things to consider. Sheep like to go under net fences while goats jump over.
Newsletter Restoring Biodiversity - 11/26/2024 An opportunity to solve the wild horse problem. Desert Bighorn, Mule Deer and Cougar in high desert mountains of far-west Texas. And more...
Wild Horse Fire Brigade The Wild Horses of Nevada's Deserts "We spend millions of dollars a year managing horses, but we still can’t agree on whether they belong."
Wild Horse Fire Brigade Siskiyou News: Wildlife Conservationist Nominated for BLM Wild Horse & Burro Program William E. Simpson II, a seasoned ethologist and conservationist, has been nominated for the position or Director of the Bureau of Land Management's Wild Horse & Burro Program, with the position set to open in January 2025.
"Invasion Biology" Desert Bighorn, Mule Deer and Cougar in High Desert Mountains of Far-West Texas The series contains many wildlife photos, and, discusses holistic wildlife management practices.
Newsletter Restoring Biodiversity - 11/19/2024 Hazing wolves with drones. Living with wolves is not easy. A visually stunning celebration of what makes Texas unique. And more...
Resources Deep in the Heart: Official Trailer Narrated by Matthew McConaughey, Deep in the Heart is Texas' first wildlife movie
"Wolves" Are Drones an Answer to Wolf Attacks on Livestock? Hazing wolves with drones. NOTE: this article was originally published to Onland.WesternLandOwners.org on May 14, 2024. It was written by Ellie Gage. Over just 20 days in the summer of 2022, there were 11 confirmed depredations by the resident Rogue Pack wolves in Southern Oregon’s Klamath Basin.
Antler Genetics Does Culling Wild Deer Populations Result in Improved Antler Genetics? See the only known high speed footage of aerial deer captures and understand the methodology and results of this first of its kind study.
Newsletter Restoring Biodiversity - 11/12/2024 Recreating the Aurochs Effect with Tauros. The astonishing return of wolves to California. What happens if forest stop absorbing carbon. And more...
cattle breeds Herd of Tauros to Be Released Into Highlands to Recreate Aurochs Effect Large, cattle-like tauros will shape landscape and strengthen wildlife as huge, extinct herbivore once did
Resources 'Landscape of Fear' Not Impacting Yellowstone's Elk Predation by animals and humans, not behavioral change, was what lightened the impact of elk on young trees.
Videos Costs of Coyote Eradication in California and Texas Man descibes the cost of eradicating coyotes in California, versus Texas —
A New Wolf Pack, Irate Ranchers, and the Astonishing Comeback of California’s Most Celebrated Predator Gray wolves, wiped out in California by hunters and trappers a century ago, have been trickling back in over the past decade