Newsletter Restoring Biodiversity - 8/29/2023 Scientists dispute EPA climate regulation science. Only 2% of listed endangered species have actually recovered. And more.
habitat restoration Carbon Offset Market Opens to Small Southern Timberland Owners Here is a good article about using carbon credits to encourage private landowners to engage in better forestry practices. While most carbon credits are environmentally and economically dubious, if we insist on these subsidies, let’s direct them towards holistic practices that reduce fire hazards while improving soil fertility. NOTE:
bear Hunter Conflicts Pitchstone Waters' Trespass Suppression Associate Pitchstone Waters’ Trespass Suppression Associate Another quick view of the bear… For more posts like this, in your inbox weekly – sign up for the Restoring Diversity Newsletter
Cattle Meat Consumption and Longevity As discussed below, it turns out that eating meat is good not bad for people’s life expectancy. Wait long enough and you’ll see most medical ‘facts’ debunked. But as a matter of common sense, why would anyone think that carnivores shouldn’t be carnivorous? NOTE: this article was
Conservation Incentivizing Wildlife Stewardship The Endangered Species Act has prevented 99% of listed species from going extinct, but only 2% of listed species have actually recovered. Property & Environment Research Center (PERC) believes we can do better. NOTE: this video was originally published to on February 8, 2021
"Invasion Biology" PG&E Scraps Tree-Trimming Program Once Seen as Key to Fire Prevention As discussed below, California’s big electric company says it can’t control wildfires with chainsaws. As discussed for years on this blog, the ONLY cost effective and sustainable way to reduce wildfires is with animal impact from wild and domestic animals. NOTE: this article was originally published to WSJ.
Newsletter Restoring Biodiversity - 8/22/2023 China is destroying American farmland. Using an elegant logic of healthier soil and a focus on both the cow and customer. And more.
Climate Two Princeton, MIT Scientists Say EPA Climate Regulations Based on a ‘Hoax’ Physicist, meteorologist testify that the climate agenda is ‘disastrous’ for US
Big Pork How China Is Destroying American Farmland “What the pig factories are doing to the environment – and who owns them. Meanwhile millions of free-ranging wild pigs are shut out of the domestic food supply, through the actions of the big factories and the agencies with whom they are integrated. NOTE: this article was originally published to TheEpochTimes.
Cattle Grass Fed Beef: Farm to Fork Wyoming Fourth generation Wyoming ranchers, Bobby and Brendan Thoman, return cattle to the family operation – using an elegant logic of healthier soil and a focus on both the cow and customer. NOTE: this post was priginally published to this site on February 1, 2021
Newsletter Restoring Biodiversity - 8/15/2023 Curing degraded desert arroyos and gullies. Good news for beef producers. Soil restoration on a desert ranch in Northern Mexico. And more.
Trincheras Study “The study below discusses the effectiveness of rock structures in starting to cure degraded desert arroyos and gullies. While effective, these treatments are costly and in our experience MUST be continuously maintained. The more degraded the land, the harder it is to restore. These treatments are an add-on – not a
Conservation Keyline Desert Ranch This video is about Keyline soil restoration on a desert ranch in Northern Mexico. Keyline “flood-flow” channels are combined with Keyline contour ripping between “flood-flow” channels. Both channels and rip patterns are on contours established by drone survey and laser transit. Disturbed soil has been seeded. Regrowth following 6-inches (150
Cattle Higher Cattle Prices Here, More To Come, Rebuilding Yet To Begin “Good news for the folks who produce the beef Americans love. Beef producers have been suffering for years. NOTE: this article was originally published to Livestock Weekly on August 2, 2023. It was written by By Colleen Schreiber. — For more posts like this, in your inbox weekly – sign up for
"Invasion Biology" Markets for Conservation: Reining in the Wild Horse Crisis There are more wild horses and burros on the public landscape allotted to them than that range can sustain. Beautiful as they are, these animals are degrading the range and they compete for water and forage with other wildlife. The result of too many horses on too little range is
Newsletter Restoring Biodiversity - 8/8/2023 Mitigating wildfires with wild horses. Redefining recovery of grizzly bears. And more...
Conservation Keyline in the Desert 2-Years Later With 78 Mm of Rain in the Year 2022 Below is an interesting video showing the results of Keyline treatment 2-years later, after 3 inches of rainfall. Although the video is in Spanish, the results of the area that was treated, and the area that was not treated, are evident. <span style=”display: inline-block; width: 0px; overflow:
Bio-Diversity Redefining "Recovery" of Grizzly Bears Here is the position of those who say that the definitions governing Grizzly Bear recovery should be expanded. NOTE: this post was originally published to this site on January 18, 2021
Newsletter Restoring Biodiversity - 8/1/2023 History of horses in America. Prescribed burn in New Mexico almost goes wrong. The role of ruminants in the environment. And more...
Bio-Diversity The American Heritage of Wild Horses As discussed in the article below, horses DID NOT arrive in the Americas around 1492: They were already there. Horses evolved in the Americas; horses did not exist anywhere else before 17,000 years ago. Therefore, even under the bogus timelines and definitions of invasive species “biology”, horses’ presence in
"Invasion Biology" The Role of Ruminants in Environmental Health An excellent video from the Savory Center for Holistic Management, in Zimbabwe. The thinking described is largely missing from the management of our public ranges, forests, and national parks, even though ALL the physiological elements described apply within every environment.
Bears Bears and Roosevelt Elk on Vancouver Island Roosevelt’s Elk (Cervus canadensis roosevelti) – is the largest elk in body size – but not antler size – of all elk subspecies. Mature bulls weigh from 700-1200 lbs with very rare large bulls weighing more. Roosevelt’s geographic range includes temperate rainforests of the Pacific Northwest, extending to parts of northern
wildfire control US Forest Service Burn Started Wildfire That Nearly Reached Los Alamos, New Mexico, Agency Says As reported below, another prescribed burn went out of control in New Mexico with very bad results. Plenty of folks are up in arms about how these burns are conducted, but none seem to question the “science” that justifies these fires in the first place. Our friend Allan Savory – the
Newsletter Restoring Biodiversity - 7/25/2023 Is the planet really hotter than it has ever been? Bill Kerr leaves a massive legacy. Bighorn battle for supremacy. And more...
record heat 2023 Is the Planet Really Hotter Than It Has Ever Been? As discussed in the article below, “Actual temperature records from NOAA’s Global and United States Historical Climatology Networks (GHCN & USHCN) date back to 1895.For the lower 48 U.S. states, where the majority of stations with the longest records are located, NOAA’s data shows that it