The Last Keeper - Special Interview with Tom Opre

Tom discusses the Shepherds of Wildlife Society and their mission to educate the world about wildlife management.

The Last Keeper - Special Interview with Tom Opre

The conversation with Tom Opre revolves around the importance of modern wildlife management and the need for education about conservation.

It highlights the urbanization of society and the disconnect between people and the land. The conversation also touches on the role of hunters in conservation and the adverse effects of misinformation.

Tom discusses the Shepherds of Wildlife Society and their mission to educate the world about wildlife management. He emphasizes the value of wildlife and the need to conserve it for the survival of humanity.

The conversation also explores the issues of land reform and land ownership in Scotland. The conversation explores the conflict between urbanized elite rewilders and landowners in Scotland, specifically focusing on the management of grouse moors and the planting of trees.

The film 'The Last Keeper' delves into the complex issues surrounding land ownership, conservation, and wildlife management. It highlights the challenges faced by gamekeepers and their families, who are ostracized and threatened by rewilders.

The film also addresses the right to roam law in Scotland, which allows anyone to access private land. The conversation emphasizes the importance of understanding different perspectives and working together for the conservation of wildlife and the environment.