State of Texas - Resolution H.R. No. 2159: Legislation to Change the "Exotic" Classification of Elk

Elk are a Texas native which , before Europeans, roamed our state from north to south and east to west. For years a group of us have attempted to remove the “exotic” classification which has led to so much perversity in the treatment of this animal.
In the last legislature, despite the sponsorship of State Representative Poncho Nevarez and State Senator Jose Rodriguez, our efforts for a simple, limited purpose – to remove the scientific misclassification – again failed. By the time our bill was expanded to include the combined requirements of the exotic deer industry, TPWD and the Texas Animal Health Commission, we had a document so complex that it could not pass legislative drafting review.
We wish to thank the legislative leaders who tried to help and greatly appreciate their gracious resolution which acknowledges our work on behalf of Texas elk. We also wish to thank our lobbyist, Fred Shannon, who worked tirelessly and pro bono.
We will try again in the next legislature.
To review the complete science on whether elk are native to Texas, CLICK HERE.