Siskiyou News: Wildlife Conservationist Nominated for BLM Wild Horse & Burro Program
William E. Simpson II, a seasoned ethologist and conservationist, has been nominated for the position or Director of the Bureau of Land Management's Wild Horse & Burro Program, with the position set to open in January 2025.
Making public lands benefit Americans is an old challenge, especially when they contain America's iconic wild horses.We now have an opportunity to solve the wild horse problem, and to fire-proof forests, by putting horses back in our wild places where they belong.
Previously considered ‘exotics’, American horses are increasingly considered native by many scientists, scholars, Native American tribes and even Mormons whose scriptures record that horses were found by early Mormons in about 600 BC.
Echoing theses cultural views, for almost 60-years American law has been “…that wild hoses and burros are a living symbol of the historic and pioneer spirit of the West, and that these horses contribute to the diversity of life forms within the Nation and enrich the lives of the American people; and that these horses are fast disappearing from the American scene. It is the policy of Congress, that wild, free roaming horses, and burros shall be protected from capture, branding, harassment, or death; and to accomplish this, they are to be considered in the area where presently found as an integral part of the natural system of the public lands."
The horse evolved in North America, where horses and their ancestors were present for 60-million years. The genetic debate is hard to follow, but, suffice it to say that while Modern and Ancient American horses look different, they, like wolves and dachshunds are so close genetically as to be virtually - if not literally - the same species.
The war on wild horses is based on the false science of invasive species biology, ecological illiteracy, and the increasingly anti-American orthodoxy of the universities and agencies. From these grow the mismanagement of our wild horses, and absurd ‘solutions’ such as horse birth control, eugenic destruction of entire wild bloodlines, and confinement of ‘surplus’ numbers in feedlots at huge expense to the taxpayer. These violate common sense, science, and established law.
At the same time and for similar reasons, our public forests are experiencing catastrophic wildfires, not because of warming climate, but because there is not enough animal impact from biodiverse wildlife to keep them open, and, to suppress the accumulation of fine ground fuels that are the tinder that ignites and spreads catastrophic fires.
William Simpson has advocated a common sense solution that addresses both problems: allowing this native animal to spread back into areas - remote and unusable for livestock - where they were always found until early native Americans hunted them out or killed them accidentally with introduced diseases. These horses can ‘fire-proof’ forests, increase biodiversity, and improve conditions for all wildlife. This will benefit Americans and their livelihoods.
If you want this kind of thinking in the BLM's horse program, follow the steps below to encourage his appointment. VOTE! And share this with your friends to Vote (Nominations are Closed).
NOTE: this article was originally published to Siskiyou News on November 20, 2024. And the rest of the content below the image, was sent by email by Captain William E. Simpson to the author on November 21, 2024.

Voting for my nomination at Kennedy MAHA is still open! New nominations are closed.
To VOTE, here are the 3-steps:
1. Go To This Link and click the 'Sign Up' button (upper right on page)
2. When you get the email from 'Nominations for the People' (check spam folder) you can setup your account to vote.
3. Go back to the same Link and click the 'Log In' button and then you can click the 'VOTE' button.
We made America initially great off the backs of our American horses. We are a horse culture. We must honor our heritage as Americans.
If we are to make America great again, we must 'Make American Wild Horses Great Again'.That can only be accomplished by proper management by someone who actually knows wild horses. The current Director of the BLM Wild Horse & Burro Program, Holle Waddell knows very little about wild horses.
The reality is that Holle Waddell is a made-over city girl from the suburbs of New York. So it's no wonder the wild horse issues are an ongoing and costly problem! Taxpayers are footing the bill to the tune of about $250-million annually.> Government jobs must be filled based-upon empirical experience and authentic qualifications. My qualifications are cited by numerous elected officials and peers.

Fact: Due to ongoing mismanagement of American wild horses by the Bureau of Land Management (BLM) via an acute failure to utilize the latest science and experience of genuine wild horse experts, there are ONLY *59,000 BLM wild horses left in America today, and 2/3 of them are jammed into the state of Nevada! It's just crazy how they are being managed. *(BLM census as of May 2024)
I guarantee you, that if I am appointed as the Director of the BLM Wild Horse & Burro Program, I can do a much better job of seeing that American wild horses are managed properly and in a manner where the vast majority of stakeholders are satisfied with the results, while saving taxpayers hundreds of $-millions annually! And I know that Elon Musk welcomes that!
A couple recent endorsements:

Additional References herein below.
Thank you! William>Capt. William E. Simpson II - USMM Ret.Ethologist - Author - ConservationistWild Horse RanchP.O. Bx. 202 - Yreka, CA 96097Phone: 858. 212-5762> William E. Simpson II is an ethologist living among and studying free-roaming native species American wild horses. William is the award-winning producer of the micro-documentary film 'Wild Horses'. He is the author of a new Study about the behavioral ecology of wild horses, two published books and more than 500 published articles on subjects related to wild horses, wildlife, wildfire, and public land (forest) management. He has appeared on NBC NEWS, ABC NEWS, CBS NEWS, theDoveTV and has been a guest on numerous talk radio shows including the Lars Larson Show, the Bill Meyer Show, NPR Jefferson Public Radio and NPR National Radio, Global News, The Guardian, and AM BEST TV.> Check out William's Film Freeway account for films, studies, TV & radio interviews, and more HERE:>
Additional References:
- Enjoy Magazine:
- Siskiyou News:> KOBI NEWS:
- The Guardian:
- The Atlantic:
- NPR National Science:
- Reasons To Be Cheerful:
- GrazeLIFE:
- Best’s Review:
- NIH:
- Sierra Nevada Ally:
- NiceNews:
- Horse-Canada:
- Feine Hilfen:
- Colorado College: Fuel Fire & Wild Horses:
- Congressman Joe Neguse responded to the documentary Fuel Fire & Wild Horses: