Restoring Grasslands with Planned Grazing: Soil Carbon Curious

Restoring Grasslands with Planned Grazing: Soil Carbon Curious

Adaptive Multi-Paddock grazing (AMP grazing) is regenerating soils around the world, producing healthy grass-finished beef. But the science on AMP grazing is sparse, to say the least.

Now, a group of leading soil, rangeland, bug and social scientists are setting out to fill the science gap. Led by Dr. Richard Teague of Texas A&M, and convened by filmmaker Peter Byck of Arizona State University, the ASU•Soil Carbon Nation Whole Systems Science Team is positioned to do large scale science that’s never been done before.

Soil Carbon Curious from Peter Byck on Vimeo.

Resistance to planned grazing is slowly being overcome. Below is a video showing how we apply this at Circle Ranch.

Animal Impact Made Easy #1 from Christopher Gill on Vimeo.

Ranching, wildlife management, finance, oil & gas, real estate development and management.

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