Restoring Biodiversity - 9/21/2021


Quoting the very interesting article above, “The future of oysters in Texas looks pretty bright. From thriving oyster restoration to new oyster mariculture opportunities, it will be exciting to see how things continue to evolve for our coastal oyster reefs, both wild and farmed.”

Quoting the author above, ” Fire caused by the effects of climate change will require human intervention of another order (of magnitude).

“Why “grass-fed” doesn’t mean what you think.


Produced by Dave Ruane, who says: “Beaver dams are amazing. They create a diverse and changing habitat for lots of wildlife and a convenient “bridge” too! On this dam I had over 100-clips of raccoons using the dam as a travel corridor!”

Stock tanks can be easily and cheaply modified to serve the additional purpose of restoring grasslands for cattle and wildlife.

And that’s it - as always thanks for reading.

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