Restoring Biodiversity - 9/13/2022


Feral pigs have become a problem for one reason: The food-safety agencies tasked to insure safe, wholesome, and affordable food have made them illegal to sell commercially. The commonsense solution is to put them back in the human food chain – where they have been for thousands of years of human history.

Free-range pork is at least as wholesome and safe to eat as the tainted pork produced in the filthy, inhumane, and ecologically disastrous pig farms that blight large sections of our country. The American pork industry is now controlled by a few corporate giants – the largest of which, Smithfield, is owned by a Chinese multi-national company, which means that America’s largest pork producer, like all Chinese companies, is beholden to the Chinese Communist Party.

The pork oligarchs don’t want to compete with millions of free-range pigs that are now so plentiful they are a nuisance. The pork monopolies have ‘captured’ the regulatory system. Together, regulators and Big Pork keep these animals off the market. This deprives consumers of better, cheaper pork; landowners of hundreds of millions of dollars of annual income; and a national resource is now a growing national liability.

With respect to so-called sport hunting from aircraft as depicted in the video below, it is unbelievable that gunning down animals from helicopters with automatic weapons, often leaving them to rot, is considered ‘sporting’ by anyone, or tolerated by our game regulators who claim to be defenders of “Fair Chase” hunting.

There are plenty of people in the regulatory and wildlife agencies who could fix this, but they are marginalized or eliminated altogether from the ranks of those who make the policy decisions that have led to these perversities.

As discussed in the article above, scientists have found that when beavers were reintroduced and built new dams, the volume of surface water — streams, ponds, wetlands — increased to about 20 times that of streams with no new beaver activity. Meanwhile below ground, groundwater more than doubled what was stored on the surface in ponds. Stream temperatures downstream of the dams fell, while streams not subject to the beavers’ tinkering warmed. These changes all came within the first year after relocation. Read below for detail.

This article from the Property and Environment Research Center (PERC), a free market environmental think tank based in Bozeman, discusses the common sense idea of turning federal-lands fire mitigation decisions over to states.


On the Fall River in Idaho, 5-miles from the southwest corner of Yellowstone Park, we use goats instead of herbicides to control weeds and stimulate grasses in sagebrush meadows. Fourth in a series.

And that’s it - as always thank you..

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