Restoring Biodiversity - 9/3/2024
Are dam removals good or bad? Are wild (feral) pigs an invasive species in Britain? How holistic management restores grasslands from land that’s degraded to desert. And more...
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Here is what we’ve been reading, watching and writing about over the past week…

With Dams Removed, Salmon Will Have the Run of a Western River
When people and their livelihoods are given equal weight with environmental outcomes, are dam removals good or bad?

The Loch Ness Monster Has Company in the Neighborhood: Wild Boars
Are wild (feral) pigs an invasive species in Britain, or are they returning to places where they were native for thousands of years – until people ate them?
Feral pigs are far more controllable in the UK because unlike the US, wild pigs in the British Isles can be harvested (killed) and sold as food for people.
The American feral pig ‘problem’ is caused by regulations designed to protect the industrial pork monopolies from competition with free-range pigs. To the extent Scotland follows the American model by removing free-range pigs from their food markets, the Scots will also develop a ‘feral pig problem’.

Examples of Grassland Restoration – Excerpt from Talk by Allan Savory at Tufts University
Excerpted from Allan Savory’s presentation on January 25, 2013 at Tufts University’s Fletcher School, this segment highlights examples of how Holistic Management restores grasslands from land that’s degraded to desert. This innovative, natural, and simple idea mimics Nature by using careful management of livestock to stimulate the regrowth of grasses, animals, and puts large amount of greenhouse gases (GHG’s) from the air into the soil.
And that’s it - as always thank you..
If you haven’t already - please check out our views on biodiversity at
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