Restoring Biodiversity - 8/22/2023

China is destroying American farmland. Using an elegant logic of healthier soil and a focus on both the cow and customer. And more.

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Here is what we’ve been reading, watching and writing about this week…


How China Is Destroying American Farmland

What the pig factories are doing to the environment – and who owns them.

Meanwhile millions of free-ranging wild pigs are shut out of the domestic food supply, through the actions of the big factories and the agencies with whom they are integrated.

More here →


Grass Fed Beef: Farm to Fork Wyoming

Fourth generation Wyoming ranchers, Bobby and Brendan Thoman, return cattle to the family operation – using an elegant logic of healthier soil and a focus on both the cow and customer.

More here →

Articles We Read

Two Princeton, MIT Scientists Say EPA Climate Regulations Based on a ‘Hoax’ - More here →

PG&E Scraps Tree-Trimming Program Once Seen as Key to Fire Prevention - More here →

And that’s it - as always thank you..

if you haven’t already - please check out our views on biodiversity at

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