Restoring Biodiversity - 8/27/2024
Draining West Texas of its precious water resources. The war on wildlife continues, with a new front opening in Utah. Can sheep save the planet? And more...
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Here is what we’ve been reading, watching and writing about over the past week…

Hydrogen Hubs Threaten to Drain West Texas of Water
At first blush, hydrogen hubs sound like free money. But as the authors below caution, “Many landowners in the early 1900s trusted the newly created oil companies, a decision many later regretted. We are in the same position today.”

Fishing Limit Will Increase Ahead of Lake Poisonings
The war on wildlife continues, with a new front opening in Utah.

Robert F. Kennedy: The Harmful Effects Of Glyphosate, The Most Common Agrochemical
We’re living in an age where it’s increasingly hard to avoid exposure to toxins.
These chemicals – which are doing great damage to wildlife, habitat, and people – are touted by almost every Texas university, agency, and NGO. In Idaho, they are literally being forced on landowners by agencies like Idaho Fish and Game, and NGOs like Teton Regional Land Trust. In Yellowstone National Park, managers routinely spray roadsides with Roundup.
Here’s how the agro-giants are getting away with this.

Can Sheep Save the Planet?
Desertification is a fancy word for land that is turning to desert,” states Allan Savory in his quiet but inspirational form.
And that’s it - as always thank you..
If you haven’t already - please check out our views on biodiversity at
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