Restoring Biodiversity - 8/20/2024
Thank you for subscribing to the Pitchstone Waters weekly newsletter. Here is what we’ve been reading, watching and writing about over the past week…

Salmon Farms in Patagonia Face Growing Opposition
Salmon farming as practiced is rife with environmental problems, as discussed below.
Not mentioned is that many species of salmon and steelhead have now been naturalized into entire ocean systems, to which they were not 'native'.

America Saved the Grizzlies, and Now the Bears are Invading Towns
As discussed below, grizzly bears are increasingly a danger to people, property, and livestock.
At Pitchstone Waters Ranch, grizzly bears have made cattle ranching virtually impossible, thus hampering our efforts to reduce fine fuels in forests, a key to wildfire protection. This harms habitat and wildlife including bears.
No financial compensation is available for this damage – until a domestic animal is actually killed. Thus, bear damage to infrastructure including fences and water points, is ignored.
Wyoming, Montana, and Idaho continue their round-robin ‘removal’ programs wherein each captures then releases problem bears on the others.
It is just common sense to delist a species that is no longer endangered, thereby allowing limited hunting to make bears wary, and to fully compensate for bear damages to ranching economics. This kills fewer bears than agencies destroying problem animals and/or the “SSS” solution (’shoot, shovel, and shut up’ ) that desperate landowners feel is forced on them.
Wild Horses: Nature's Survivors in North America
Quoting the experts in the film below: "With the reintroduction of wild horses, do we treat them as an exotic species or have we merely returned a native to its homeland?"
King Charles: How Cattle Can Restore Habitat and Wildlife
King Charles comments on Allan Savory and his integrated approach to ranching and farming, and the role ruminants for the health of grasslands. Segment from speech given by the Prince to the IUCN World Conservation Congress.
And that’s it - as always thank you..
If you haven’t already - please check out our views on biodiversity at
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