Restoring Biodiversity - 7/6/2021


As described in the article below, advocates of jaguar restoration “contend that reintroducing the cats is essential to species conservation and restoration of the region’s ecosystem”.

The advocates are correct. Habitat and wildlife restoration cannot be restored until we increase the numbers and species of prey (including wild horses) and these must be controlled by predators. These in turn improve habitat.

But to succeed, the ecological and wildlife objectives must be pursued in a manner that places equal importance on the people who will be living alongside these cats, and their livelihoods.


"Industrial" agriculture generally tends to simplify the land community (eliminate species) ...when you do that you create instability

This video is a companion piece to #3 in the series. It shows how Fred’s Dam works during a rain, how the redirected water has created a seasonal wet meadow, what is happening to the water as it exits the wet meadow, and how that water might be managed as it moves downslope.

I think of this installation as an irrigation system. Like roads, wells and power lines, the irrigation system requires monitoring and maintenance, approached as just one of a body of holistic practices being applied together.


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