Restoring Biodiversity - 7/25/2023
Is the planet really hotter than it has ever been? Bill Kerr leaves a massive legacy. Bighorn battle for supremacy. And more...
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Here is what we’ve been reading, watching and writing about this week…

Is the Planet Really Hotter Than It Has Ever Been?
As discussed in the article below, “Actual temperature records from NOAA’s Global and United States Historical Climatology Networks (GHCN & USHCN) date back to 1895.For the lower 48 U.S. states, where the majority of stations with the longest records are located, NOAA’s data shows that it was much warmer in the 1930’s and 1950’s. Since then, the trends for the average maximum temperature on the 4th of July (Graph 1), and for the number of stations that reported temperatures over 100 degrees F on the 4th of July (Graph 2), have both been slightly declining.
In other words, the weather books have been “cooked”.

Kerr, the Man Behind Jackson Hole’s National Museum of Wildlife Art
As discussed in the article below, “Art portraying wild animals of the American West had been created since artists trailed early explorers and exploiters into the region. But there was something about the subjects being animals that made it less than serious in the wider world of art. The work was seen by many as cute or common, not fine art but illustration, something that appealed not to connoisseurs but to their kids.”
A family of Oklahoma oilmen changed that.

The Epic Battle for Female of the Rocky Mountains Bighorn Sheep
Bighorn rams fight for herd dominance in this great video

Fishing and Managing Idaho Alpine Lakes
Very few high mountain lakes had fish before stocking began in the 1940s.
And that’s it - as always thank you..
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