Restoring Biodiversity - 7/19/2022


According to this article, wolves could solve Italy’s wild pig overpopulation. Another, better solution would be to return pigs to Italy’s commercial food supply.

The agencies that manage Yellowstone National Park say that human impact is harmful and “unnatural.” This is another anthropological myth based on ideology rather than natural history and science.

As discussed in the article below, hunter-gatherers have been interacting with Yellowstone for at least the past 11,000 years. These early Indigenous people discovered, explored, braved, revered, hunted, and mined the Yellowstone region long before Euro-American settlers arrived.

In fact, the so-called “natural” state in which Euro-Americans found Yellowstone was a human artifact, created and maintained by the Native Americans. Good intentions notwithstanding, it is Euro-American man’s attempt to eliminate people and their actions from the natural systems of Yellowstone that is responsible for its habitat and wildlife decline. Recognizing this simple fact is the first step toward repairing the damage.


At Pitchstone Waters Ranch in Idaho, 5-miles southwest of Yellowstone Park, we use goats and cattle to reduce brush, control “weeds” and forbs, reduce wildfire and stimulate plant growth on forest floors and meadows.

John Wayne couldn’t have done it better. Watch as a would-be bicycle thief in Eagle Bend, Oregon, quickly reaches the end of cowboy Robert Borba’s rope.

And that’s it - as always thank you..

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