Restoring Biodiversity - 7/12/2022


According to the article above, Greenland’s polar bears are doing okay as climate continues to warm - as it has been for many thousands of years

This makes sense. Polar bears as a species have been around through several long-term weather cycles during which global temperatures were far higher, and far-lower, than now. And the warmer Greenland and other Arctic regions become, the more large animals can live on them, and the more prey large predators will have to eat.

According to the article above, cougars translocated from Texas saved the Florida mountain lion, known as the Florida panther. At least two of those cougars were trapped at Circle Ranch, the West Texas ranch we previously owned, in 2002.

Species restoration using non-native stock is common across North America. Elk, desert bighorn, deer, turkey, bison, pronghorn, mountain goats and many others have been restored from distant populations.

By the definitions of invasive species biology however, Texas cougars and many if not most of the other “imported” animals belonging to the above-mentioned species are exotic invaders. It’s an example of “talking out of both sides of your mouth.”

To wit, the same folks who praise the “genetic diversity” and “hybrid vigor” of intermixed populations of bighorn and cougar created to reintroduce species into an area, use the identical facts to justify eradications of West Texas elk on lands managed by the Texas Parks and Wildlife Department, mountain goats in Teton National Park, wild horses pretty much everywhere across the West, swans in New York, predators by the millions every year, and many other species. Each and every one of these species are victims of the war on biodiversity being waged with public funds by our wildlife agencies.

The great news on cougar described below should be the model, not the exception, for restorations everywhere.


Eco-friendly forest thinning and road building next to Yellowstone Park, in Idaho.

And that’s it - as always thank you..

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