Restoring Biodiversity - 7/11/2023
Using prescribed burns and wild horses to prevent wildfire.
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Here is what we’ve been reading, watching and writing about this week…

Firefighters Boost Use of Prescribed Burns in Bid to Prevent Massive Wildfires
According to the article above, “The aim of the prescribed burns is to rob natural infernos of the combustible material that has stoked the megafires that have ravaged communities in the region in recent years.”
Wildfires are not proliferating because of climate change. They are increasing because more and more explosively combustible tinder is steadily accumulating on forest floors.
In reality prescribed burns are ineffective compared to using wild and domestic animals to reduce these fire hazards. The public hates fires of any type. They are hard to control, release vast amounts of atmospheric carbon, and often do lasting damage. As a result they are limited in scope. This one is 185-acres. But the wildfire problem extends over tens-of-millions of acres.
When properly managed, wild and domestic animals have almost none of these problems. Only animals with their grazing, trampling, dung and urine, can CONTINUOUSLY treat vast areas in natures old-fashioned way.
‘Rewilding’ Horses Aims to Mitigate Wildfires, Reduce Insured Losses
Wild Horse Fire Brigade’s Natural Wildfire Abatement and Forest Protection Plan is designed to relocate wild horses from Bureau of Land Management facilities into the wilderness, an effort designed to reduce the size and intensity of wildfires.
And that’s it - as always thank you..
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