Restoring Biodiversity - 6/7/2022


“Cattle and bison readily crossbreed. It was ranchers who saved bison in the late 1800’s, but they ran these bison alongside their domestic cattle herds.

New research from Texas A&M says that all bison, including the Yellowstone herds thought to be “pure,” are cattle hybrids. As explained in the article below, this changes the thinking about which animals to use for reintroductions.

Wolves have been in North America far longer than humans.

As described below, the dire wolf was about the same size as the Yukon wolf and the northwestern wolf, the largest modern gray wolves (Canis lupus). Dire wolves’ prey included Western horses, ground sloths, mastodons, ancient bison, and camels. Dire wolves and their prey went missing when humans arrived in North America, around 15,000 years ago.


Elk are Texas natives. Largely wiped out by 1900, they are poised to recover in far-West Texas, but need the same protection as other native game species.

”Deep in the Heart” is billed as Texas’ first wildlife movie. This trailer has great photography, scoring and narration.

And that’s it - as always thanks for reading.

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