Restoring Biodiversity - 6/27/2023
Most endangered white tail deer destinations. America has a pork problem. Watching cattle in Africa. And more….
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Here is what we’ve been reading, watching and writing about this week…
4 Most Endangered Whitetail Destinations in America
Quoting the article below, “ The great state of Texas sports one of the most robust and proud deer hunting cultures in the nation, but it’s also home to what some consider the greatest threat to deer hunting in all of America: the captive deer industry.

Tens-of-millions of wild pigs roam our private and public lands. These free-range animals are far more wholesome than those raised in the cruel, filthy pig farms by America’s pig oligarchs, the largest of which, Smithfield (quoted below) is owned by the Chinese. Free range pigs are kept off the market by the oligarchs acting in unison with the agencies that are supposed to be regulating them for the benefit of the public.
The result is the so-called “feral pig problem”; artificially high prices to consumers; often-infected pork laced with hormones, antibiotics, and additives; falling incomes to small pig raisers; and environmental damage.
Nothing about this should come as a surprise. Monopolies like Big Pork are NOT manifestations of free markets. Monopolies ALWAYS lower quality, depress wages, and raise prices.

A Bird’s-eye view of the Dingambombwe Conservancy Cattle Herd
Here is a great aerial time lapse visual of Africa Center for Holistic Management (ACHM) herd moving through the conservancy regenerating as they go.
These animals are concentrated by using human herders. They are now behaving like wild animals bunched up to protect themselves from predators. Compare the animal impact from this herd with what the Yellowstone Park bison herds do: It’s completely different.
Such herding works, however, it is difficult and cost-prohibitive in the US. Cutting edge electric collar technology could make these practices easier, transforming holistic grazing into a far more affordable, and easy-to-use tool for conservation, especially on public ranges and forests where fences are often prohibited.

The Bosque Del Oso State Wildlife Area contains 30,000 acres of prime elk winter range. It holds some of the biggest bull elk in Colorado. The Rocky Mountain Elk Foundation, Colorado Parks and Wildlife and others, preserved this area for all to access and enjoy.
And that’s it - as always thank you..
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