Restoring Biodiversity - 6/22/2021


As reported above, wild burros – like their ancient ancestors – are essential to the health of wildlife in American deserts.

Quoting the author of the article above, "The current American wild horse management paradigm is an economic and ecological failure. And the wild horse advocacy has had virtually no meaningful effect on the plight of American wild horses, and they have offered no plan that is genetically, ecologically or economically sustainable that allows wild horses to truly be ‘wild and free’ as is the intention of the 1971 Free Roaming Wild Burro And Horse Protection Act.

There is proven plan called the Wild Horse Fire Brigade that can provide a naturally sustainable, cost-effective solution to a majority of all the stakeholders that is beneficial and humane for wild horses (and burros) and the wilderness ecosystems that can be assigned to them."


Creosote, Cows & Keyline is a 5-minute video which discusses a quick, cheap method to restore desertified desert grasslands. It was filmed in the high-mountain deserts of far-West Texas.”

Idaho's big bighorn rams in the Big Lost and Hells Canyon.

And that’s it - as always thanks for reading.

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