Restoring Biodiversity - 6/15/2021


These animals probably disappeared from the Australian mainland in large part due to human impact. They will likely thrive when reintroduced – if they are protected.

America also has species that were successfully reintroduced in places where people had killed them out. Wild turkey, elk, deer, bighorn sheep, bison, horses, wolves, whooping cranes, salmon – the list goes on – are examples. All received protection from unrestricted hunting.

“Invasive Species” ideologues who say that species like horses are no longer “natives” once humans have wiped them out, should think about this.

It took a brave judge to go up against Big Ag in this way.

It is unbelievable that Bayer's board payed $63-billion to jump into the quicksand of Roundup liabilities. As reported above, Bayer's stock price has fallen 40%. This is might be just the beginning.


Wildfire continues to devastate the American West at increasing rates. According to some, the plan that could combat the danger of forest fire lies in the complicated history and present role of the wild horse.

Predators including wolves can cull weak or sick deer, elk and caribou much better than any wildlife “manager”


And that’s it - as always thanks for reading.

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