Restoring Biodiversity - 6/11/2024

Irrigation canals have many unintended benefits. Human impact has always been an essential ingredient in limiting the risk of forest fires. Using wild horses to help wildlife and habitat. And more...

Restoring Biodiversity - 6/11/2024
Photo by Karsten Würth / Unsplash

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Here is what we’ve been reading, watching and writing about over the past week…


The Diesel-Powered Beavers of the Big Hole

Irrigation canals have many unintended benefits on wild habitats and animals.

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Anthropologist Documents How Women and Shepherds Historically Reduced Wildfire Risk in Central Italy

As discussed below, human impact has always been an essential ingredient in limiting the risk of forest fires.

In Italy and the Mediterranean, …”forests and other plant communities have been shaped by thousands of years of intensive human management of the land. But migration to cities since the 1960s has left rural lands increasingly abandoned. And without people to maintain them, local forests have become overgrown with highly flammable brush.”

This is what has happened in America’s forests with the removal of logging, grazing, and other human activities since the 1960s. The result is increased wildfire.

The belief that human impact is “unnatural” shows historical ignorance: habitats were always shaped by people – to the point that they were human artifacts.

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Horse Roundups! Can They be Stopped With ‘Fertility Control’?

Using wild horses to help wildlife and habitat.

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Why is Regenerative Agriculture Important?

Learn more about regenerative agriculture, and our focus on land management which provides rich soil and grass for cows to consume on their pastures.

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Beaver and Coho Salmon

Salmon and trout fishermen take note: beaver are essential to healthy fish stocks.

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And that’s it - as always thank you..

if you haven’t already - please check out our views on biodiversity at

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