Restoring Biodiversity - 5/31/2022


If wolves “compete” with moose, why do the the largest moose populations and the largest wolf populations in North America exist together?

This article discusses some of reasons why the species are—in fact—complementary.

Read why wolves keep moose herds healthy. Then, consider how wolves could help control CWD epidemics in deer and elk.

Are controlled burns environmental ‘silver bullets’ or environmental disasters?  A great read via by William E. Simpson II.


Sandhill Cranes have been around for between 2.8 and 10-million years: That makes them one of the oldest living birds. They migrate thousands of miles from northern summer breeding grounds. Some have made it as far as Europe and even China.

This group of Sandhill Cranes were vocalizing in a meadow near Cascade Reservoir in Idaho.

Winter wildlife, 2022 at Pitchstone Waters.

And that’s it - as always thanks for reading.

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