Restoring Biodiversity - 5/18/2021


Western game commissions might consider Texas’ relatively few and simple rules, which stand in stark contrast to the bewildering tangle of their own.

Texas’ work very well, and unlike hunters in Idaho, Wyoming and Montana, Texans do not need outside consultants to interpret them.

As discussed in the article, of the many unscientific decisions of wildlife “managers”, predator eradications are probably the worst.


Those who believe that Holistic Planned Grazing is not supported by science should watch this presentation by Dr. Richard Teaque, formerly of Texas A&M.

Holistic management uses a long term planning process that assigns to environmental and social outcomes the same importance as profits. In addition to being particularly suited to the deserts of far-West Texas, its grazing and wildlife practices will work anywhere in the West.

And that’s it - as always thanks for reading.

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