Restoring Biodiversity - 5/16/2023
Winter crushes Wyoming Mule Deer. The case against fences. Tasmainian Devils are retruning to Mainland Australia. And more….
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Here is what we’ve been reading, watching and writing about this week…

Winter Crushes Wyoming Range Mule Deer Fawns
The usual suspects – hunting, weather, livestock, and development – are blamed for this very cold and wet season’s toll on wildlife.
As usual, there is no thought about how so-called ‘conservation’ practices have degraded habitat and wild animal health, making wildlife less able to withstand cold and disease.
Dropping the Fences (Episode 1) – DUST
Two families who have lived on N’Rougas Farm for generations embark on a project of renewal and hope together. In this episode, Veronica, the farm owner, sets out on a mission to farm sheep in a predator-friendly way while an ongoing and worsening drought has Bushmanland in its grip.

Tasmanian Devils Return to Mainland Australia for First Time in 3000 Years
Here is an interesting article about how on the Australian mainland, Australian wildlife managers are reintroducing an animal wiped out thousands of years ago by human impact.
Reintroducing a native animal thousands of years later (the Aussies describe that as an “Ecological blink of an eye”) to restore biodiversity and the ecosystem is a great idea, one that would seem self-evident in its common sense. Go Aussies.
Now, contrast this with American wildlife “managers” who say that mountain goats, horses, burros, camels, and numerous other species once native to this continent, also wiped out by human impact, are no longer native – and are in fact “invasive species” that harm the environment of which they were once an essential part.
Invasive species biology and its lack of holistic thinking is at the heart of our problems with rangelands, forests and wildlife.
And that’s it - as always thank you..
if you haven’t already - please check out our views on biodiversity at
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