Restoring Biodiversity - 5/11/2021


Rising commodity prices are very good for farmers. They have caused a rise in the price of farmland.

In addition to more income, rising land values increase farmers’ net worth.

However, the massive deficits working their way through the economy are causing inflation, much of which is not fully reflected in published inflation statistics because the formulas have been tinkered with to make inflation seem lower.

This is a time bomb – and not just for farmers.

According to the professor interviewed in this article, bald eagles are now so numerous that they are sometimes found nesting in residential areas like yard birds.

This shows what can be accomplished when we collectively decide to restore wild creatures.

Originally published in 2021 - this is the second in a series about how domestic animals like cattle can help wildlife and habitat in desert grasslands.

Our first introduced Cows and Quail, Albuquerque-based Holistic Management International’s range and wildlife program which focused on quail.


Meet the world’s first cloned member of an endangered species.

Some people think that extinct animals like mammoths could be resurrected by these methods, using cellular material found in frozen specimens.

Creosote, Keyline & Cows discusses a quicker, cheaper way to restore desertified desert grasslands. It was filmed in the high-desert mountains of far-West Texas, but it will work anywhere, to some degree.


And that’s it - as always thanks for reading.

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Curated and written collection of thoughts on biodiversity, wildlife and resource management.