Restoring Biodiversity - 4/4/2023

The 2023 Shopper’s Guide to Pesticides in Produce is out. A bear in Connecticut struggles with her cubs. And more….

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Here is what we’ve been reading, watching and writing about this week…


strawberry lot

Pesticides in Produce: Shopper’s Guide Lists Most and Least Contaminated Fruits, Vegetables

A very depressing – and alarming – report on pesticide food contamination.

The Environmental Working Group (EWG), a nonprofit environmental health organization, released the 2023 Shopper’s Guide to Pesticides in Produce.

More here →


a couple of brown bears standing next to a tree

Momma Bear Struggles with Cubs

In Connecticut of all places…

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Wildlife-Friendly Cattle Fences in an Idaho Forest

This is the most wildlife-friendly fence design that we have seen. It would work great on large properties, whether placed around perimeters or inside for pastures. It goes up fast and uses a minimum of material.

More here →

And that’s it - as always thank you..

if you haven’t already - please check out our views on biodiversity at

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