Restoring Biodiversity - 4/18/2023

Diving into a Holistic Management insight. Mud is filling Lake Powell. Yellowstone's wildlife hub. And more….

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Here is what we’ve been reading, watching and writing about this week…


The Function of Time in Environmental Recovery

A deep dive into a Holistic Management key insight.

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Lake Powell is Filling Up – With Mud

The basins behind America’s dams are filling up with sediment and the dam structures are aging. As discussed in the article below, this problem is acute at Lake Powell, the enormous reservoir created by the Glenn Canyon Dam in 1963.

Meanwhile, the Desert Southwest is critically short of water.

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Biodiversity Loss & Climate Crises: Two Sides of the Same Coin

As discussed below, “Regenerative practices not only increase the health of our soil and land, but also attract more biodiversity, build climate resilience, manage our GHG levels, and slow the rate of climate change.”

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Yellowstone in Depth: The Northern Range

The Northern Range is the hub of wildlife in Yellowstone National Park. Occupying just 10 percent of the Yellowstone Park, the Northern Range is winter range for the biggest elk herd in Yellowstone and is arguably the most carnivore-rich area in North America.

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2020 Tony Coote AM Memorial Lecture - With Allan Savory

The Mulloon Institute presents a unique opportunity to hear from one of the world’s leading experts in Regenerative Agriculture, Allan Savory, as he presents the 2020 Tony Coote AM Memorial Lecture.

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And that’s it - as always thank you..

if you haven’t already - please check out our views on biodiversity at

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