Restoring Biodiversity 3/8/2022


About 500-wolves have been killed in Idaho, Wyoming and Montana since they were delisted as endangered species in 2020.

The war on wolves was a grave mistake for wildlife and cattle, since these large predators are the best natural control of the brucellosis and CWD epidemics rampaging through the Yellowstone bison, deer and elk herds. These are health threats to people, livestock and wildlife.

The eradications are a PR disaster for public-lands ranchers.

And as a practical matter they make the reimposition of federal wolf controls inevitable. Now it will be doubly hard to get common-sense wolf and grizzly bear control measures back in state hands and away from the feds.

According to the article above, scientists say that eagles are still getting lead poison from carrion contaminated by bullets and fishing tackle.


Another example of a small dam that spills water from an eroded gulley, to reduce road washing and to irrigate a few acres of grassland at Circle Ranch in the high-desert mountains of far-West Texas.

And that’s it - as always thanks for reading.

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