Restoring Biodiversity - 3/30/2021


Here is an ecological idea on salmon restoration that gives environmental, social and economic factors equal weight. Congratulations and thanks to U.S. Rep. Mike Simpson.

Park user fees are absurdly low.

Using those fees on unwinnable battles to eradicate so-called invasive species, some introduced by the agencies themselves, wastes money badly needed for neglected infrastructure and forest management.


Growing up in a hunting family, Rafe Nielsen of Browning Firearms says the Rocky Mountain Elk Foundation played a large role in shaping his views of hunting from an early age.

This video is part of a series on wildlife pictures was taken in Winter 2017, at Circle Ranch in the Sierra Diablo Mountains of far-West Texas.

The series contains many wildlife photos, and, discusses holistic wildlife management practices.


And that’s it - as always thanks for reading. Please pass along, and if you haven’t already - please check out our views on biodiversity at the link below.

Ranchers. Entrepreneurs. Environmentalists. Increasing biodiversity for a better ranch—and a better tomorrow.