Restoring Biodiversity - 3/22/2022


Here is an excellent article by the Property and Environmental Research Center (PERC) a free market conservation think tank based in Bozeman.

As explained above, penalizing landowners who accommodate rare species (such as grizzly bear at Pitchstone Waters) encourages preemptive habitat destruction, not conservation.

Thanks to the Trump Administration’s delisting of wolves, Wyoming, Montana and Idaho had the chance to lead in the management of wolf recovery, and in the process prove that Western states could, and should, take back forest and wildlife public lands management from the feds.

Instead they promptly showed that when it came to the disastrous predator removal policies initiated 150-years ago, they had “learned nothing and forgotten nothing.”

The state agencies’ policies are especially bad for elk and cattle because wolves and other predators are the best natural control for the brucellosis and CWD epidemics rampaging through Yellowstone’s deer, elk and bison herds.


Watch as elk make their spring migration in front of the Tetons.

Husband and wife ranchers Emry Birdwell and Deborah Clark have been going against the grain of North Texas ranching for decades

Subsoil contour plowing is an excellent way to increase water absorption in the desert grasslands of far-West Texas and Southern New Mexico. The effectiveness of the practice is shown in these before-and-after comparisons.

And that’s it - as always thanks for reading.

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