Restoring Biodiversity - 3/15/2022


Here is an excellent explanation of Western water rights, especially those of Wyoming, Montana, Idaho and Utah. It was written by the Property and Environmental Research Center (PERC) a free market conservation think tank based in Bozeman.

Quoting the article, “While it is true that Montana is less heavily regulated than California, it is hardly the Wild West when it comes to natural resources like water. In Montana and throughout the American West, property rights determine who can use water, how much, and under what conditions.”

This was inevitable once Montana, Wyoming and Idaho resumed their 150-year long war on wolves.

A judge restored federal protections for gray wolves across much of the U.S. on Thursday, after their removal in the waning days of the Trump administration


Husband and wife ranchers Emry Birdwell and Deborah Clark have been going against the grain of North Texas ranching for decades – hiding their ability to raise many, many more cattle per acre than any of their neighbors. They are a fiery couple, prone to snips as they get their field work done – they are in their 60s, and run the 14,000 acre place on their own, sometimes with one extra hand.

Filmed in Henrietta, Texas

"Chichuahuas and Keyline" explains Chocolate the Keyline Dog’s take on contour subsoil plowing.

And that’s it - as always thanks for reading.

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