Restoring Biodiversity - 3/14/2023
Brewster Ranch is for sale. Deer 255's incredible journey. Government spends to reduce fire risk in the Caribou-Targhee forest. And more...
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Here is what we’ve been reading, watching and writing about this week…

Far-West Texas Ranch Near Big Bend That’s Half the Size of Rhode Island is Still for Sale
As discussed below, “Brewster Ranch,” covering a 30-mile-by-50-mile area, comprises 22 parcels and is the largest ranch coming to market in several years.

World’s Longest Mule Deer Migration: Red Desert to Hoback
As discussed below, each summer Deer 255 lives in the heart of the Greater Yellowstone Ecosystem. But each winter, she travels far into Wyoming’s sagebrush sea and high desert ecosystem.
She crosses the Pitchstone Plateau, within a few miles of Pitchstone Waters Ranch, which is 5-miles southwest of Yellowstone Park’s southwest corner.
Click on the link below to see this incredible migration.
Government Spends $2.6m to Reduce Fire Risk on Caribou-Targhee, Private Lands
Simple, common sense steps to mitigate fire hazard in our public forests are subject to interminable delays and challenges. Practices like those described below are needed on millions and millions of acres across the West.

The Secret Lives of Fish-Eating, Beaver-Ambushing Wolves of Minnesota
In a serene, spongy wetland in Voyageurs National Park, a remote quilt of forests and lakes that blankets northern Minnesota, Tom Gable is investigating a violent slaying.
Fishing wolves.

Bison Bunch Up to Protect Calves
Over millions of years, rangelands have evolved under grazing by nomadic herds that travel in mass, bunched up to protect both young and adults from predators. And, plants have evolved to need this. This observation is the basis for holistic range practices such as monitored, rotational grazing.
In this video, wolves are threatening bison calves and the herd is circling and bunching to defend itself.
Using holistic principles, cattle can mimic this behavior through planned rotational grazing.
And that’s it - as always thank you..
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