Restoring Biodiversity - 2/6/2024

Super pigs from Canada will soon be in the U.S. Another huge award against Roundup. Why farmers sell their weapons and buy donkeys. And more.

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Here is what we’ve been reading, watching and writing about over the past week…


Hard-To-Eradicate ‘Super Pigs’ in Canada Threaten to Invade the US

Super pigs from Canada will soon be in the U.S.  These animals can’t be eradicated but they can be controlled - if we allow them into the commercial food chain like any other domestic species. If not, there will soon be a northern 'feral pig problem'.

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Another huge award against Roundup (glyphosate).

A jury handed down a $2.25 billion verdict, including $2 billion in punitive damages, against agrochemical giant Monsanto, according to the lawyers of a man who said he developed cancer from using the company’s weed killer, Roundup.

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brown donkey

This is Why Farmers Sell Their Weapons and Buy Donkeys

As described in this video, burros make excellent guards against wolves and coyotes.

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a bird lying in the grass

Tense Moments as Yellowstone Grizzly Bear Charges Ranger

Video footage has surfaced showing a Yellowstone National Park ranger firing projectiles at a grizzly bear after the bruin had charged the officer as he was outside his vehicle attempting to control traffic.

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And that’s it - as always thank you..

if you haven’t already - please check out our views on biodiversity at

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