Restoring Biodiversity - 2/28/2023
What El Niño is, and what causes it. The predator-prey connection. Have horses been in NA longer than we think? And more….
Thanks for subscribing to the Pitchstone Waters weekly newsletter. Here is what we’ve been reading, watching and writing about this week…

New Mexico: US Officials Authorize Helicopter With Shooters to Kill Feral Cows in the Gila Wilderness
In New Mexico as across the US, ‘conservationists’ are leading the War on Wildlife.

El Niño’s Return Grows More Likely as La Niña Weather Pattern Winds Down
“What “El Niño” is, what it does, and what causes it.

The Predator-Prey Connection
Everyone understands that predators control animal numbers. But of equal importance is predators’ effect on animal behavior, and the consequential benefit to habitat – and wildlife – that result from how animals behave when in the presence of predators.
Because traditional wildlife thinking fails to grasp this relationship, most conservationists have historically seen predators as parasitic to wildlife. This misunderstanding underlies much of the “War on Wildlife”, especially predator eradications – which to this day – most people believe helps wild animals.
Colorado Experience: Native Horses
Had horses become extinct in North America 10,000-years before Europeans arrived around 1500? Or were horses present in North America all along?
Re-introducing Beaver on the Escalante River Watershed in Utah
An excellent explanation of the importance of beaver to any watershed.
And that’s it - as always thank you..
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