Restoring Biodiversity - 2/21/2023

Thanks for subscribing to the Pitchstone Waters weekly newsletter. Here is what we’ve been reading, watching and writing about this week…


seven pack of wolves on forest snow

By Learning to Hunt Otters, Wolves Decimate a Deer Population

How wolf recovery on Pleasant Island Alaska affected deer populations.

More here →

Leave it to Beavers

As discussed in the article below, “Beaver dams are why some ecologists insist that beavers may be able to help remedy the effects of climate change. Beavers build dams, which create ponds, which create ecosystems. They move water, and so could help alleviate both droughts and floods. They create “beaver meadows,” in which flowing water isn’t necessarily visible but is nevertheless there, as if absorbed by a giant sponge.

More here →


snow covered mountains under blue sky during daytime

My Wild Land – Terry Creek Ranch

This fall Wyoming Migration Initiative released the My Wild Land film series, featuring the stories of three ranches and their stewardship of wildlife and wild lands. The popular films have screened in communities around Wyoming.

Watch here →

white goat standing on green grass field

Using Goats to Open an Idaho Forest

At Pitchstone Waters near Yellowstone Park in Idaho, we use goats to clear brush, weeds, and stimulate grasses on forest floors. Sixth in a series.

Watch here →

And that’s it - as always thank you..

if you haven’t already - please check out our views on biodiversity at

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