Restoring Biodiversity - 2/1/2022


As reported below, 98% of the animals in one of Wyoming’s deer herds have Chronic Wasting Disease (CWD). Infection rates like these will soon make Wyoming, Montana and Idaho the national leaders of the epidemic.

Obvious ways to control CWD include stopping practices such as winter feeding that everyone agrees spread the disease among elk and deer, increasing predator populations, especially wolves, to cull sick animals thereby helping curb the disease’s spread, and treating the brucellosis and CWD that is widespread in the Yellowstone bison, deer and elk herds.

Current practices do the opposite and are disasters for deer, habitat and people. In order to address this wildlife health crisis effectively, environmental objectives, people and livelihoods must be given equal consideration in all decisions.

Yellowstone's appeal is rooted in how it features real-world issues facing heartland communities.


For the past 3 years, Cascade Forest Conservancy has been engaged in a large-scale beaver reintroduction project in Washington's South Cascades. In 2019 we reintroduced 21 beavers and there are many more to come!

On this Nevada ranch, cattle numbers were tripled under planned grazing, with transformational results.

And that’s it - as always thanks for reading.

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