Restoring Biodiversity - 2/11/2025
An unusual way to hunt ducks. The screwworm danger remains. Where does a tree get its bulk? And more
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Here is what we’ve been reading, watching and writing about over the past week…
The Joys of Jump-Shooting Ducks
A great article on an unusual way to hunt ducks.
Screwworms In S. Mexico Has USDA, States Working On Plan
Screwworm eradication is one of the most successful and beneficial agricultural programs. As reported below, the screwworm danger remains.

If Not from Soil, Where Does a Tree Get Its Bulk?
Did you know that less than 10% of a tree’s total weight comes from the soil? Then where does the other 90% come from? This video reveals the surprising answer! Discover the science of photosynthesis, the unique mechanisms trees use to grow tall, and the mind-blowing truth about their weight and water transport.
Trail Camera Captures 'Truly Amazing' Two-Legged Bear in West Virginia: Watch
A black bear with only two legs was sighted in the mountains of West Virginia.

Wyoming Elk Migration
Watch as elk make their spring migration in front of the Tetons.
And that’s it - as always thank you..
If you haven’t already - please check out our views on biodiversity at
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