Restoring Biodiversity - 1/9/2024
Colorado wolf reinitroductions are stoking political tensions. The War on Wildlife's tremendous collateral impact. Lake Trout is considered an ecosystem enemy in Yellowstone. And more.
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Here is what we’ve been reading, watching and writing about over the past week…

Embattled Wolves Gain a New Frontier in Democrat Colorado. The Move is Stoking Political Tensions
The increasingly-authoritarian green movement routinely mandates environmental and wildlife practices, implemented in ways that ignore people and their livelihoods.
Colorado wolf reintroductions are no exception.

BlM Ends Use of ‘Cyanide Bomb’ to Kill Coyotes and Other Predators, Citing Safety Concerns
This article discusses the continuing ‘War on Wildlife’ being waged against predators by government agencies.
These have done vast damage to wildlife.

The War on Lake Trout
Lake trout, native to the Great Lakes and the boreal lakes of Canada and Alaska, were first “discovered” in Yellowstone Lake in 1994. Their appearance was likely the result of introduction from nearby Lewis or Shoshone lakes, where the fish were intentionally stocked more than 100 years ago.
It is tantalizing—but doubtful—that “management” of any kind can remove Lake Trout. These lakes and Lake Yellowstone are virtually connected by a web of streams, ponds and wetlands. Waterfowl, eagles and animals such as moose, wolves and coyotes can easily transport lake trout eggs in their feathers and fur. There is no way to stop this or prevent reintroductions.

Photographer Captures Saskatoon Beaver Bursting Through Ice ‘Like Superman’
A Saskatoon-based beaver has become a viral video star after a local photographer and nature enthusiast recently filmed it bursting through an ice-covered pond.
And that’s it - as always thank you..
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